This is all falling into place along predictable lines. Mike Lindell’s cyber symposium starts in a few days and you know that’s going to be a farce. The right wing knows it, too, so they are ginning up paranoia to an exponential level, predicting the takeover of the internet, the collapse of the financial system, so on and so forth. I haven’t heard of an invasion from outer space happening, but it’s only Friday, give them a chance.

I never thought Dr. Strangelove was anything but satire until Thomas McInerney came up on radar. I totally can see him drinking bourbon and branch water with Mike Lindell, while they fantasize about the spirit messages they see in Lindell’s rows of rolling code, and then McInerney writes them on the walls and ceiling. McInerney’s contribution to election fraud CT is to float baseless claims that Army Special Forces soldiers were killed while seizing computer servers in Germany tied to the stolen election.

McInerney told the far-right WVW Broadcast Network that members of the 305th Military Intelligence Battalion were in fact ‘The Kraken’ designed to substantiate Trump’s claims of election fraud. That was so over the top that the Army issued an official statement batting down his claims as “false.”

The guy is a loon, and if he had an air base to shut down,  or fighters to command, I would be most fearful of him doing something completely bat guano. He’s the bookend to Michael Flynn.

McInerney divides the world up into us and them and you heard the man, if you debunk Lindell’s wild theories, you are part of the plot. First the precious bodily fluids, then the election.

The one thing said here that I do agree with is that the next few weeks are going to be very interesting. The cyber symposium is one of the pillars of the Big Lie and the Big Lie is an integral part of MAGA dogma. So who knows what will happen when it all goes up in cyber smoke in a few days? Stay tuned.


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  1. Is anyone else feeling the echo of old Cold War paranoid fantasies in a lot of these theories and actions? Like, they’ve come to the end of their lives and because they got old and irrelevant, they jump down the rabbit hole of old fears/hopes that they find soothing. What a miserable way to live.

    • True, however the cold war didn’t take out 700,000 Americans in little over a year, & have our PRESIDENT at the time installed by Putin & friends (Koch brothers), then convince 30% of us it’s all a hoax. Also the republicans were on our side then, now they’ve gone over to the enemy. A lot of new fundamental problems. It’s still a rabbit hole, but far more dangerous now. Just ask the family members of the dead.

      • The existence of the Nixon administration makes me question how “on our side” Republicans were from the 1970s onward. And there are NUMEROUS examples of “good old days” pushing that end in these kind of blind alleys. My favorite is the Alholomads of Old Iberia, think zeal could help them take back the Iberian Peninsula that their predecessors had lost. Instead, they lost everything but Grenada by 1213. Similar losses await the right-wingers.

  2. The more desperate the GQP gets to keep the big lie going so that they can keep on grifting (and trying to stay in power), the more RWQNJs come out from under their slimy rocks! All of this just shows how really desperate they are getting!

  3. It is BEYOND time that the Feds step in and ban all these right-wing websites and other “news/information” sites. While the First Amendment does protect free speech and free press, it does NOT protect blatant lies. Slander, libel, treasonous/seditious material–none of these are protected by the First Amendment and the crap the right-wing has been spewing for the last quarter century (from Fox “News” and the various right-wing publishers like Regnery) and especially in the past five years should be afforded no more protection under the First Amendment than libel, slander or treasonous/seditious material.

    It is one thing for a network/publisher/website to espouse a certain conservative political viewpoint but when that site starts pushing outright lies and deliberate misinformation as “legitimate” information, then they’ve forfeited any claims to First Amendment protections. The occasional slip-up or a legitimate misunderstanding of a topic aren’t the problem; the deliberate and willful intent to mislead people with outright lies and propaganda *is*. And I strongly doubt the Founding Fathers would have ever condoned the stream of crap that constantly emanates from today’s right-wing media.

      • Although I agree that Joseph’s comment goes too far, no one really has the right to yell “fire” in a crowded theater, especially when there is no fire. There are legal limits. At a certain point, it becomes a true disturbance of the peace and a danger to national security, whether you’re talking about Covid, the election (including all the bogus Ukraine crap, false allegations of fraud, etc.), the attempted coup, etc. So that line has been crossed many times already, but the legal response so far does not appear adequate to the gravity of the offenses.

      • Do they have a right to say this stuff while calling themselves “generals”? Flynn and this one are using that title as if they still have standing in our military-how else would they get people to give any credence to their nonsense.

        That said, I have a problem with “generals” preaching and practicing sedition while receiving military pensions. I have a very big problem with that.

  4. They first amendment is not with consequences. It only guarantees Thatcher government won shut you down. Everyone else can. A,person can she for slander or libel. Private businesses do not have to put up with lies. They can shut you down,the,same way Twitter shut down Trump’s,account or a right-wing flight attend forced a,woman into turning her tee shirt inside because the pro-choicemessage offended the flight attendant. Oddly,,it generally happened just to liberal mrssages. I just got out of my second hour-long incarceration in Zuckettraz for telling a,Christian evangelical that these,days,,Evangelical Christians have to prove they are decent people for me to trust them because of how I was treated in GA. She called me a list and reported me for hate sperch. Another called someone a “stupid Yankee”. Nothing happened to her,batch because She was Southern , conservative,,white and a,Trumpie.

  5. Are these people for real. This is worse than some low budget sci fy fictional movie. Do these people really believe what they are talking about. I don’t get it. This one nut made it to general in the freakin army. WTF! Agent orange catch up to them. Send out a search party for their brains. Jesus!


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