Little things mean a lot. If you go over to Twitter/X you’ll see that the Donald J. Trump Posts From Truth Social account is still alive and kicking. But, more importantly, you will see that the original Trump Twitter account, the one with 91M followers is being posted to regularly. That’s been slipped in under the door at midnight, so to speak. Trump wants everybody to believe that Truth Social is the voice of America, the voice of MAGA, that it’s going gangbusters. No, it is not. It is going down. And in anticipation of that, Trump is phasing out the Truth Social posts account and using the original Twitter account. Take a look.

So this is now a news story within a news story. Trump has been lying his ass off for days that Joe Biden is doing nothing in the southern states affected by the hurricane. Take a look at Joe Biden and Brian Kemp side by side.

What Trump will never grasp and what both Joe Biden and Brian Kemp both know is that the way democracy works is that the party that is in power now will be the party out of power at some point and vice versa. That’s how democracy works and that’s what career politicians know. But not Trump. But he did get #FAKEandSTAGED to take off like one of Elon’s rockets that blow up.

Trump was likely hit by the same shrapnel that caused minor injuries to four motorcycle cops who were standing in Trump’s vicinity at the time of the incident. He was dinged by something, yes. He had blood on his ear and smears of blood on his face, which is congruent with small objects causing abrasions. But when Christopher Wray opined that Trump may have been hit by shrapnel, then all hell broke loose. Trump got up in arms.

After all, he had had Eric Trump go on Fox News and bray, “The top of my father’s ear was shot off.” Really? Did he glue it back on or it grew back or he replaced the entire thing surgically?

In all truth, this ear injury was the most frustrating of all the stories that the mainstream media has chosen to sanewash and minimize. Trump said on Truth Social that he had been “struck by a bullet” and that became the gospel. Only a few enterprising independent journalists like Josh Marshall even bothered to report that a local Pennsyvlania TV station had reported on the four motorcycle cops being treated for minor injuries at a local Butler ER.

I marvel at what Trump gets away with. The first thing that needs to happen once he’s in the rear view mirror is to see if there can be some accountability on the part of the press. I’m not holding my breath.


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  1. He couldn’t pull this shit with a moral voting public and a population capable of critical thinking. Instead half the country is so full of shit it’s a wonder, as Dylan sang in Idiot Wind, “you still know how to breathe”.

  2. The press will never say anything against that orangeman. I really do not understand why. But it has been proven over and over and over again for the last what feels like 1,000 years, Why is he so special? Why can he lie and lie and lie and lie and get away with it? Why will the press not be fair to Democratic rivals? Here is New Hampshire, WMUR seems to only interview and talk up kelly ayott who is a magat and has been proven to vote against Planned Parenthood and freedom of choice and doesn’t want legal pot and to release those imprisoned for bs pot related crimes, and she lies about it repeatedly while lying about her Democratic opponent with no pushback nor rebuttals allowed. What is wrong with the press that they are such magat supporters? I have never understood it. WMUR was starting to show some fairness after all these years of being fox lite.

  3. Definitely not struck by a bullet the comparison with Tyson’s bite says it all. Didn’t see that anywhere on the nrws.


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