Most of us have flawed physiques and will naturally select items of apparel that flatter us and make us feel better about our appearances. That being said, as in all things too much of a good thing is almost invariably bad. The mango meanace has taken lately to wearing bulky suit jackets that have inordinately large padded shoulders sewn into them in an effort to conceal that he is wider in the stomach area than at his shoulders. You can see the result of the failure of this deception when he sits down as in the above photo, taken during his interview with Elon Musk. Because his jacket is not hanging naturally – pulled down by its own weight- when he sits it rides up and outlines distinctly the padding, giving him that “locker room” look.

Menswear expert Derek Guy explains where drumpf goes wrong over at Raw Story:

“Derek Guy, who analyzes men’s fashion for national media outlets, wrote in a thread on X that Trump’s “tailoring is done in a way to conceal his weight,” and the padded shoulders are meant to turn his rectangular figure into more of a classical V-shape.

“However, you can only extend the shoulder so much before it starts to collapse,” Guy writes. “Think of what would happen if you extended the shoulder line on a t-shirt or dress shirt—it would just flop on you.””

I love Derek’s diplomatic use of understatement. Saying Trump’s suits “flop on” him is kinda the equivalent of saying the Hindenburg lost altitude… it would be more accurate to say they envelope his bulk like a circus tent with the supports removed. But maybe he hopes to recruit him as a client.

“The downside of a heavily padded, extended shoulder is that artifice is revealed when you sit like this. Not much you can do about this,” Guy writes. “Padded coats look great when you’re standing still, but they can look artificial when you move or sit when your shoulders pitched forward.”

“Artificial” Derek?

I think you spelled grotesque wrong.

“Trump would be better suited in a softer sloping shoulder, Guy suggests, comparing the former president’s body type to a bottle of Palmolive.”

I would compare it to a six-foot pile of stacked turds myself. But Guy does take a shot at Trump on Twitter, where he brings the shade by comparing him unfavorably with an upright badger:

Needless to say Ron Filipkowski and crew at Twitter made some hay with Trump’s shoulder pad look:

Or a fat orange balding David Byrne onstage.








A supposed billionaire allowing himself to be dressed by Omar the tent maker.

His complete and utter lack of self awareness is staggering.

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  1. Where’s the OWEE on his RIGHT ear? Wasn’t it supposed to have been obliterated by that magic bullet? Still waitin’ on that medical report…

  2. shoulder pads,lifts In his shoes,fake tan,fake hair, fake bullet wound, fake presidency . convicted fraud and rapist. why are we allowing this feces specimen to run ?

  3. When you have no self esteem and no real self to begin with, then it’s create a fantasy of your own comic book with you as the ‘hero’.

  4. Hey, Trump is a cheap bastard and he had to do SOMETHING with all those unused Ear Diapers he didn’t need – after he decided to show off his “magical healing powers.” One minute his ear needed a fooking diaper (well, part of one) to cover the “horrific” wound caused by the “bullet he took for Democracy.” The next? His ear was completely healed. Just like that. Those awesome genes Ronnie Jackson claimed Trump had back in the good ole WH days. Anyway like I said Trump is one cheap, tightfisted sumbitch and decided to repurpose unused EAR DIAPERS into shoulder pads to make himself look like studmuffin. If he wasn’t such a wuss he’d have a plastic surgeon do some liposuction on the “muffin top” of his waist and inject that fat into his shoulders!

    Trump looking ridiculous when dressed up (in other words when not in golf attire) is nothing new. I can’t get over the embarrassment he visited on our entire country when he finally got hosted by Queen Elizabeth for a State Dinner. BAD idea to go along with making it a White Tie affair. I’m betting the Queen feared the sight of buffoonery that made our eyes bleed and had her protocol person suggest simple, regular tuxedo and Trump nixed it. He wanted the proverbial “full treatment” by god and that meant White Tie for the State Dinner.

    The funny thing is he might really have thought he was “stylin” in that ridiculous get up. I’m quite certain the Queen felt that walk down the corridor with him was the longest, most embarrassing walk of her reign!

    • Just so folks know how it’s SUPPOSED to look here’s a side by side comparison. Obama at his own State Dinner with the Queen and Trump:

  5. I suspect that Liz 2’s court tailor made that outfit especially for Trump. Donald had already mangled royal protocol several times, including making the Queen of England wait for his late arrival and then walking ahead of her, as he’s doing in this photo. That’s an enormous faux pas and insult to the monarch, which would never be forgiven in royal circles. The courtiers and the tailor responded by making Trump a laughing stock, the cruelest hurt they could inflict on the fragile egomaniac. He wouldn’t have known until much later, when someone summoned up the guts to show him photos and explain tailoring to him.


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