Donald Trump is doing great, thank you for asking. He’s doing really well. That Thorazine shot really helps. Donald wants you to know that this is his best campaign yet and he’s going to win like he did in 2016 and 2020. Meidas Touch editor Ron Filipkowski says, “Truth Social right now looks like the scribblings on the walls of a cell at an insane asylum, low self esteem leakers’ means someone is about to be fired.” Truth Social is indeed the walls of a lunatic asylum. #Fire LaCivita trends along with #TraitorLaCivita. #CopycatKamala is another winner, because Kamala stole Trump’s “populist message,” you see and she won’t give it back. No fair, no fair. Meanwhile, while MAGAs chew each other up, here’s the latest whale spew from their fearless leader.

“I’m doing really well in the Presidential Race, leading in almost all of the REAL Polls, and this despite the Democrats unprecedentedly changing their Primary Winning Candidate, Sleepy Joe Biden, midstream, with a Candidate, Kamala Harris, who failed to get even a single Primary Vote, and was the first out of 15 Democrat Candidates to quit the race,” Trump said over the weekend. “I did great in 2016, and WON, did much better in 2020, getting many millions more votes than ‘16, but this, 2024, is thus far my best Campaign, the most enthusiasm and spirit, etc.”

He continued:

“My team is doing a great job despite the constant 8 year obstacle of dealing with the Fake News and low self esteem leakers. We are going to WIN BIG and take our Country back from the Radical Left Losers, Fascists, and Communists. We will, very quickly, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!”

Pollster Frank Luntz says Trump’s self destructing. 

“He’s been very negative and very hostile and clearly he’s the kind of lost his balance. He absolutely emerged from the convention with a clear and convincing lead but what has happened, he stopped talking about immigration. He stopped talking about inflation,” Luntz said. “And instead he has been so personal with his attacks that voters are starting to recoil.”

Luntz further claimed that, “if this is an issue-based campaign, Trump still has the advantage,” but noted that Harris “is winning right now.”

Luntz then said Harris is likely to get a “bump” from the Democratic convention.

“People like her more than they like him,” he added. “If he’s watching this right now, his head is exploding and that’s part of the problem.”

Yeah, it’s hard to run for president if your head is exploding.


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  1. “Luntz further claimed that, “if this is an issue-based campaign, Trump still has the advantage,”

    Well that is deluded. What issues?

    Real ones like abortion, the economy, governance, freedom? Or fake ones like “The border”, guns, or the latest issue of the day on Fox?

    At least he got this bit right.

    “Harris “is winning right now.”

    And she will continue to win, because Trump has nothing and people have noticed.

    • I was about to respond almost identically.

      Except, I probably would’ve started off with something like “Luntz must be using some potent medicinals to be hallucinating that much. Whether it’s pills or weed or shrooms or just good old-fashioned booze, he’s seeing stuff that’s not there.”

      Trump has NEVER been about *real* issues, only a lot of stuff that makes (or keeps) his supporters scared of the changing demographics that pushes America even further from that mythical 1950s that GOPers can’t stop fantasizing about (not to mention fetishizing over).

  2. It probably doesn’t help Trump’s mood that he is now running against a Black and Southeast Asian woman who is better looking than his wife. I know how sexist that sounds, but Trump.values women only for their looks and bra size, so Kamala being hotter than Melania just adds insult to injury. Trust me,if she weren’t that attractive he,’d be using the same kind of insults he used against Hillary.


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