Say what you will about Twitter, even Elon Musk’s bastardized version of it, occasionally you find some jewels. I found two in the same thread and they both go towards explaining how politics in this country has gone simply off the deep end. As Barack Obama opined back in 2016, “Donald Trump is not the cause, he is the symptom.” The symptom of what? Aha. A psychologist says, “We are a country of deeply psychologically/emotionally wounded people who use what has evolved into a pathological political system to simultaneously exorcise…..and weaponize….childhood trauma.” Wow.

We are mentally ill. We are using a pathological political system to exorcise/weaponize childhood trauma. And at the same time, Vladimir Putin is carrying out Nikita Khrushchev’s vow back in 1956, “We will take you over without firing a shot. We will take you over from within.” First watch the latest from Lincoln Project in the Last Week In The Republican Party series. Then we’ll talk.

Connect the dots with me:

  1. We have a shattered GOP. The GOP has been in the process of collapsing for over 40 years now;
  2. We have the Russian long game, which has been going on since the 50’s;
  3. We have the Russian asset, the reality TV New York hustler;
  4. We have other Russian assets, the right-wing media people who are raking in the dough and helping Khrushchev’s vision be attained;
  5. We have MAGA, who has totally bought into the reality TV hustler because they’ve got childhood trauma and he’s got childhood trauma and this is some sick cult — but then most cults are. David Koresh, Jim Jones, the lot of them, have a lot of similarities.

The thread goes on at some length (if you want to go over there and read the entire thing)and unfortunately, it hasn’t been converted via the thread app into one piece of text. Although it certainly should be. But you see the situation here, that we have damaged people on the Republican ticket. Both Trump and Vance had abusive childhoods and they are both personalities that have no problems flip/flopping in order to get what they want.

Vance’s situation, in particular, is egregious because he has some brains and he had a moral compass at one point. But he’s only too happy to get in bed with “America’s Hitler” if Peter Thiel and others tell him that’s what they want him to do.

Let’s hope America votes for the adults to run the White House for four more years, rather than give the keys to the juvenile delinquents to tear the place up and wreck it. It’s sad to use a metaphor like that but unfortunately it’s true. And it will stay true as long as MAGA is in the ascendant and the remaining Republicans haven’t yet united to form a new party. I still say that’s coming because there is no other choice. Trumpty Dumpty is going to splat in 20 days and there will be no cleaning up of that mess.

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  1. Abuse breeds abuse. For many, it leads to multiple marriages and/or promiscuity, and addiction. For others,like Trump it results in abusive behavior toward anyone who is no longer useful.this White Office was chaotic at best, and he had an incredible high turnover.


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