I’ve asked this before, is The Onion still in business? Because this is a news and opinion site and in any given week I write at least three or four headlines that I’m betting their best satirists can’t top and I’m not making this up. I’m just a stenographer here, I’m simply taking it all down.

Ted Cruz just insulted Big Bird. If you have thought over the years that Ted Cruz doesn’t have a normal bone in his body, his latest faux pas should cement that notion once and for all.

Cruz thinks that we believe he’s not vaccinated. Of course we do, Teddums. Of course we do. And then Newsmax and Fox chimed in.

She’s got the nerve to call vaccinating kids “twisted” when there isn’t a one of us who hasn’t seen a video of kids on ventilators in hospitals. That is a far more tragic scene than when it’s an adult. The kid didn’t have the opportunity to make the right choice, an idiot adult made it for him.

And I still don’t get what the disconnect is here. Remember when Trump bragged about Operation Warp Speed and how he discovered the vaccine, not some lab in Germany? What about this?

I guess that there’s this cultural split because the right-wingers like Alex Jones make tons of money selling snake oil so it behooves Cruz, et al. to keep the fantasy going.

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  1. Children might have better resistance to the variant of Covid we’ve seen so far but that doesn’t mean they can’t still spread it, especially as they are more likely to have asymptomatic cases.

    That’s one way mutations happen.

    Of course, the lion’s share of the MAGAt anti-vaxxers are also rabidly KKKristian and they crayoned on to the margins of their bibles that Jeebus said there’s no such thing as evolution.

    So when you add it up you’ve got a bunch of willfully ignorant assholes out there denying long established science but for them since there’s no evolution that means this virus can’t mutate into deadlier forms. Frankly I don’t give a shit if their willful ignorance gets them killed BUT it gets a lot of other people trying to avoid Covid sick and killed too.

  2. Kids are just as susceptible to long Covid, even if they have mild or asymptomatic cases. It can totally blight their lives. To refuse to protect them is evil.

  3. What is really sick and twisted is that not wearing a mask in public, and not getting vaccinated have been made into political statements by the right-wing nut-jobs and the Q-nuts that seem to be what the republican party has become these days. Covid doesn’t care about politics (poli=many tics=blood-sucking parasites). Covid infects whoever it can. Unfortunately we can’t fix stupid. Covid can and is!

  4. Does Cancun Ted know that Big Bird caters to preschoolers? I mean, I can see his interest in watching Sesame Street-his mentality is that of a preschooler, but government propaganda is a bit advanced for the 2-4 year old (and those acting like 2-4 year olds) set.

  5. Tell the approximately 600 families that have met in the graveyard to bury children under 12. Ted you are worth less than a comparable pile of shit out of big bird’s ass. One of my disappointments in life is the lack of opportunity to beat the birdshit outta YOU, you goddamn carrion eating vulture. I would pick up Vonnegut’s flag & call it the continuation of The Children’s Crusade.

  6. Teddy Cruz, Tommy Cotton, and Petey Doocy have one thing in common. The more they open their mouths the stupider they look. And they simply cannot help themselves in this situation. They are compelled to do what they do


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