If Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro felt hurt, or majorly disappointed yesterday morning when he got the call saying his fellow Gov. (and friend) Tim Walz of Minnesota was getting the VP nod he sure as hell didn’t show any signs of it when he took the stage. Shapiro gave a passionate and inspiring speech showing he deserved the serious consideration HE got for the job of VP. It was filled with glowing rhetoric praising Harris, Walz and the Democratic Party AND how united and excited everyone is. Like I said, if Shapiro did have any ‘it should have been me’ feelings they were nowhere to be seen. I’d challenge anyone to say otherwise.
Last week I closely followed the speculation about who would become Democratic Nominee (it’s official now) Kamala Harris’ running mate. People, but especially journalists/pundits love to make predictions. For the Talking Head Brigade it’s awesome to dodge actual work and pontificate, showering us with their wisdom. At the outset of the week it seemed three candidates were “finalists” although Senator Mark Kelly seemed to prefer staying where he is. That left two Governors. Practically speaking instead of three choices early in the week it was clear there were really just two.
Tim Walz got serious mention but it seemed like pundits were leaning towards Shapiro, both because of how critical Pennsylvania is electorally and the fact that the big announcement that would kick off a multi-state blitz would be in Philly. It also presented another “journalistic” opportunity. The chance to foment a fresh, and ugly round of stories about “strong” dissension amongst Democrats as in ‘OMFG – look at the anti-Semitism in the Democratic Party!’Â Well, I watched Shapiro stomp all over that pile of bullsh*t. He powerfully emphasized how united the Democratic Party now is. So much for “dissension.” However it doesn’t seem like journalists are willing to let it go.
I suppose none of us should be surprised. “Democrats in Disarray’ has long been almost a trope with news organizations who’s executives have encouraged talking heads and writers to use it as a theme. After all, there’s that old saying that has had more than a little truth to it: ‘Democrats fall in love, Republicans fall in line.’ There’s much more history of Democrats engaging in political food fights over who will lead them than has been the case with Republicans. I wonder if at least unofficially this is taught in journalism classes in college! Well, despite so many indications of things not being all hunky-dory in what’s left of the GOP, it’s pretty clear the “media” is choosing to hype “dissension” among Democrats while giving lip service to Republican infighting. Even if they have to stretch the hell out of things or flat-out make sh*t up!
Add in the major butt-hurt over being denied the Brokered Convention they thought was inevitable after scaring the bejesus out of countless Democrats to force President Biden to step aside. From the executive suites down to the “talent” journalists have a score to settle. As I said, good of the country (and the free world) be damned they seem determined to get their pound of flesh, using Josh Shapiro as their ‘dog whistle’ of ‘OMFG Democrats are anti-Semitic! SHAPIRO was passed over because he’s a JEW. Who is ‘too supportive of Israel!‘ Never mind that Harris’ husband is Jewish.
I didn’t write about this last night because I wanted to get a day’s perspective. Here it is: Josh Shapiro is a young guy and definitely has star quality that can translate to the national stage. He’s already built a solid resume and almost certainly will add to it. He also wants to move up. Perhaps to the Senate should Casey decide to retire. I also think it’s clear he’s got Presidential ambitions. The main thing though is he’s young and has time. He knows it. By forcefully endorsing his Party’s ticket and fighting like hell to deliver Pennsylvania and helping elsewhere to ensure Democrats win this fall he will build enormous good will, and even a measure of statesmanship. Given that coming out blazing the way he did yesterday was a no-brainer for Shapiro.
He knows damn well what journalists have been up to. The coordinated effort to create a ‘Dems in Disarray’ theme and to grow it to a point that it’s a BFD at the convention. At one point Shapiro said he was tired of hearing Trump ‘talk sh*t about our country’ and yes the feed carried the s-word without bleeping it. As a whole is speech could also be taken as a message to news outlets to stop trying to make up sh*t about Democratic Party dissension. Shapiro didn’t just drive a stake through the heart of the ‘Dems in Disarray’ case journos want to breath life into. He went full Van Helsing on it!
In case you’ve never read Bram Stoker’s novel Dracula (you should just for the fun of it) Van Helsing doesn’t merely drive a stake through the heart of a vampire. Nope. When that ordeal is over he goes on to cut off the head. Then fill the mouth with garlic and even put garlic flowers on the corpse before sealing up their resting place. Put bluntly, make damned sure the thing is dead and dead for good with no way to revive it.
Still, I’ve seen some attempts today by journalists/pundits to try and stir up trouble with ‘Why Shapiro got passed over’ stuff. Helped of course by Republicans. Hell, they probably have talked with Republican sources to hone their “stories.” It’s like they are digging through the coals of a burnt out campfire for a piece of something still giving off the tiniest wisp of smoke from a corner and furiously blowing on it trying to get it to burst back into flame! Given the huge load of cold water Shapiro dumped on all that perhaps he’d better watch himself for a while. At least some in the media will never forgive or forget and given a chance WILL extract political blood for him as payback.
However for now we can look forward to a rip-roaring battleground state tour this week. Try as they might it’s unlikely Trump and the GOP will be able to break the momentum Democrats, led by Harris and Walz will carry into the convention. And then look on in a combination of despair and horror as they realize their ONLY chance to win this fall is to OPENLY cheat by trying to prevent legally cast votes from being certified. That’s another discussion. In the meantime Josh Shapiro set the tone which is keep our focus on why Harris and Walz AND the Democratic Party are easily the only choice for a better future.
A decent V.P. choice by Harris and a united Democratic Party is NOT something media outlets want to hear. They’ll continue to push narratives that are nothing at all like the reality in the hopes they’ll sell ad space. No journalism any more. If there were, there are some really great stories made and being made to sell ad space. Pity the owners of media outlets have no imagination and can’t see the end of their noses in a mirror let alone a good story ESPECIALLY if the good story is TRUE.
What they are doing is out there for all to see. They don’t care if they tank the Democrats and destroy our country. They know who the fascist’s are and don’t care because they like the cruelty.
‘It might not be good for the country but it’s good for CBS.’ (Les Moonves in 2016, then head of CBS speaking not just for himself but every major news outlet)