Right Wing radio host Mark Levin, always a fervent Trump supporter, nonetheless less took to the airwaves of his Faux News television show to say that it would have been really stupid for his dear leader to openly commit crimes in his own home, surrounded by cameras and watched over by the Secret Service and conjectured that no one could be that stupid.

Which begs the question: Have you watched him operate for the last six years, Mark?…

So close…





The following two are from a different thread, but seem to fit here👇👇👇







The verdict seems to be, yeah, he is that stupid.

What was your question Mark?

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  1. It was less stupiidty as massive narcissism – he really believes he has the power to do whatever, and can’t be touched. Don’t forget he could shoot anyone on Fifth Avenue and get away with it

    He must think he’s He-Man (By the Power of Mara a Lago!)

  2. “Seems kinda stupid”…yeah and former guy seems kinda stupid. I’m giving him credit here since I think he is incredibly stupid.

  3. He’s MUCH more dangerous than just stupid. Someone who can be labeled stupid may have legitimate cognitive problems, such as developmental issues or brain injury. They also can have a conscience. As Al points out, he’s a true blue narcissist. That brings EVIL into the equation. Everything is his. Everyone serves him. Everyone else is guilty if he does anything that brings criticism. He has NO capacity to consider the effects of his decisions on others because THEY DONT MATTER. If he ran over a child, he would keep on going not giving it a moments thought. Oh, & here’s the fun part. If he is held responsible, where it looks certain his world is crashing down, he would DESTROY EVERYTHING & EVERYONE! FACT. Malignant narcissists are demons from hell. Hyperbole? Sure. Go back to sleep America.

  4. Um, is Mark not aware that you can always turn OFF the cameras in YOUR HOME when you want to do something that’s not completely above-board unless you just WANT to get caught? I mean, does he think the Secret Service contingent follows Trump EVERY SINGLE PLACE in his own residence? Sure. The Service agents will be out there when Trump decides to wander through the public areas of the complex but when he’s in HIS private residence area, I’m pretty sure the Service lets him do pretty much as he wants; if he wants to rifle through the boxes of classified documents that he illegally took from the White House and stored in the “private” areas of Mar-a-Lago, I’m sure the Service stays out of the room. (I’d certainly hate to be the agent who pulls the “Follow Trump into the bathroom” duty.)

  5. Well for starters we’re talking about a dipshit that hogged the podium in the WH press room to “inform” the public even though he people who actually knew public health shit standing right there – and advised us to drink or even INJECT bleach into our veins and shove UV lights down our throats and up our asses to kill Covid. So there’s that.

    For me a more interesting question is his Secret Service detail. I don’t have a problem with the overall concept of a former President who has people he (someday she) is comfortable with and vice versa. Hell, some are probably glad to turn to a slower pace of operations. BUT, they are still federal agents and their Protectee FORMER President doesn’t have the same privileges. And although as someone who having had access to classified materials is and will always be bound by law not to unlawfully reveal said information Trump’s Security Clearance was pulled after he left office. THAT means every time his protection detail, again sworn federal agents I remind you saw him with classified documents, or others in his circle (who also didn’t have clearances, or even the documents themselves and didn’t report if violated their oath of office if they didn’t report it immediately. That means those agents are guilty of federal crimes.

    Fuck em. Haul THEM up on charges. Make THEM testify as to who saw what and when.

    • The SS detail MIGHT be the ‘informants’. (Might. I’m of the mind it’s more likely Ivanka or sone random employee) My issue with his detail is…if BIDEN FELT IT NECESSARY to get a completely NEW detail…wouldn’t the GOP have a problem if a GOP President didn’t feel safe with the secret service agents b/c of loyalty to the prior criminal? It sort of seems to me that a LARGE contingent of secret service agents need to be fired ASAP. They are federal agents and sworn to protect the constitution and not protect a criminal. Did FORD need to swap out the ENTIRE detail? Of course not. I think THIS is another one off those HUGE stories thsts never going to be told. Like the hospitals getting their deliveries of PPE’s stolen by federal agents. How did they know about a private transaction AND moment of delivery? Where did those PPE go? And the national stock that Jared said WASNT for US states. What did they do with those? Were they sold? Given to states that provided lip service? At the beginning of 2020 ‘at risk’ people couldn’t get tested unless they had proof of exposure to someone positive in LOTS of states. In Fl anyone could get tested for any reason. Not to mention Deathsantis had a million (literally. An actual million) tests expire. Why are Fl tax payers NOT upset about that?

  6. The “upper classes” have always considered their servants to be impotent and inconsequential and therefore invisible. This fact has gotten so many of them into trouble (not good trouble, either) over literally centuries (not to say millennia) that you’d think more of them would have mastered “Pas devant les domestiques.” But you;d be wrong


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