Larry Kudlow is back to where he belongs and is comfy, which is on Fox News. He got a bit hot under the collar when listening to a teaser on a story that Kamala Harris gave to Axios. There is some controversy over the fact that Harris said that there was no national plan — which there wasn’t. The states were just supposed to figure it out and muddle along. But Kudlow found this abusive, apparently.

Kudlow can swear all he wants, there was no national strategy. Vaccinations were left to the states to figure out. The states were charged with figuring out shipping, distribution, priority of who got the vaccine first, everything. If there is some federal guideline that Kudlow knows about, he should bring it to light forthwith. And he should have done it when Trump was in office. Project Warp Speed and all its permutations were cliche and fantasy. That’s why so many people are dead — but let Kudlow scream. By all means.


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    • A rolling doughnut is too good for him. I’d rather see him jump at household table top meat grinder. Preferably with the inner workings rusted out, and after someone had run a collection of horse droppings and cow pies through first!

      • OMG Denis, don’t be so shy, tell us what you really think about these Scum Quats still breathing our precious oxygen … 🙂 🙂

        LK is a winner, just bumped into the slimy floor of the confinement pig barn before pressure wash-down, what we see is what we smell these days …

  1. Maybe Kudlow’s upset because the “Trump/national strategy” was “Let the states deal with it all.”

    I mean, in a sense, that IS “a” strategy. It’s not a sensible one. It’s not a smart one. But, to some people, it would be considered “a” strategy.

  2. Larry must have been proud of that plan; they had it all figured out, help the red states and let the libs die off. And then the libs listened to the experts and wore masks and stayed home, and it was the Trmp followers who died.

    • Really so it’s not a fact the single worst state is New York and it’s worse than expected (Fictitious stats, An Aide even said we hid the real numbers cause we didn’t want them used against us) NY shutdown yet 15k senior nursing home deaths are Trumpians fault? Look at the stats Florida had no Fed help and no real lockdown and numbers better than NY.
      Also it was NOT lack of Fed help in NY, govnah had a hospital ship he didn’t use, he put the covid+ in nursing homes not the ship or Javit in Central Park. All republican and Trumpians fault though.
      Also The CDC lowered the numbers of cycles for PCR tests (Right after Biden took over) so of course the case numbers are coming down fairly quickly.

      • Isn’t Florida the state where the governor out and out lied about the actual numbers – to the extent of gettong rid of the person in charge of collating the database?

        Sure, Cuomo dropped the ball – but de Santos gave it away

      • Well, it’s obvious that New York would be the epicenter of Covid-19 because of many NY flights from Europe at the time. Also, the virus likes colder climate, and NY being colder than Florida… you get my drift? NY and Gov. Cuomo were trying different protocols to see what works, since this virus was new to the whole world. Mistakes are bound to be made. Cuomo cannot be blamed.

      • My 84 year old mother lives in Florida. There has never been a mask mandate. Lies are spread by the governor and staff. It’s just a flu, it’s no worse than a bad cold is all I have heard from her. This is from listening to the Florida “governor”. Be upset about NY sure, but please don’t mention Florida where the government hopes many of the elders die off so that more magats can move down there and keep the state red. I fear everyday that when i speak to my mother it will be the last conversation we have. She believes what the koolaid “president” and his pet governor have put on TV. ALL LIES!!

  3. Well, it’s obvious that New York would be the epicenter of Covid-19 because of many NY flights from Europe at the time. Also, the virus likes colder climate, and NY being colder than Florida… you get my drift? NY and Gov. Cuomo were trying different protocols to see what works, since this virus was new to the whole world. Mistakes are bound to be made. Cuomo cannot be blamed.

  4. How come states like Arkansas are servicing the population with some level of success using the same existing networks used to distribute the annual flu vaccine? It didn’t take the federal government to set up something new to make it happen.

  5. You guys are losers. Pantywastes. No nobody’s anyone gives 2 shits about. I’m talking about these commenter. Trump is the very best. You all want handouts. Try working and we will hand you a paycheck.


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