Laura Loomer has vehemently denied rumors that she is sleeping with Trump (ewww…) and is threatening to sue Bill Maher for humorously speculating on the subject during his television show. She also took a swipe at VP Harris, repeating a rumor spread by a right wing radio talker that she had had an affair with former SanFrancisco mayor Willie Brown. If waxing indignant about supposed false rumors about herself while in the same breath repeating the same about Harris seems a little incongruous, well, welcome to MAGA Thunderdome 2024 where incongruity meets bat-stuff crazy…

Raw Story

“Right-wing influencer Laura Loomer hurled misogynist invective at Kamala Harris to deny having an affair with Donald Trump.

The 9/11 conspiracy theorist threatened to sue talk show host Bill Maher for speculating about her handsy relationship with the Republican presidential nominee, with whom she’s been traveling around the country to campaign stops and other events, and she complained the rumors amounted to bullying, reported The Daily Beast…

…Loomer then smeared the vice president by dredging up ugly rumors from her past often advanced by right-wing commentators saying that Harris owed her career to sleeping with then-San Francisco mayor Willie Brown, who had been her mentor and helped advance the careers of many California politicians.

“But some of us women, we actually work hard, and some of us women have no desire to have sexual affairs with politicians or men with elite political status to climb the ladder,” Loomer said. “I know that Kamala Harris can’t say the same, but believe me when I say that’s not me – or as Kamala Harris likes to say, ‘They ain’t like us,’ right? She ain’t like me. I ain’t like her.”

Well that’s rich, a career woman who has been a District Attorney, Attorney General, Senator, Vice President and now Presidential candidate supposedly slept her way to the top while loony Loomer, whose longest gig to date has been handcuffing herself to Twitter’s office door over her being banned from the platform, has diligently labored to get herself into her current position as Mar-a-Lago gadfly.

Sure, Laura.

I don’t know if she slept with Trump or not but something set off a chain reaction of Republican Senators complaining to the Dotard about her coziness to the schlub.

And someone put that bun in the oven…

…if you know what I mean.





Give her a break, nothing is that vile.


Don’t sue me Loomer, as your man and his VP pick are fond of saying I’m just making a little joke here.

Besides, I’m sure drumpf is shooting blanks by now…

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  1. I wrote in a comment a day or two ago I actually don’t think she’s gotten it on with Trump. It’s an uncomfortable feeling to find myself believing this gal even if only on this one thing. Of course I think she would and in a heartbeat, but we all know Trump’s “type” and she ain’t it in any way, shape or form. Even if ‘doctor’ Ronny injected Trump’s ‘junk’ with a super duper dose of Viagra I just don’t see Trump wanting Loomer. However… it does make one wonder just who she HAS boinked to get herself up to a position of influence/fame and enough so to worm her way not just into Trump World but Mar A Lago itself. Lewindowsky maybe? He’d f**k a snake. But the point is that by making a BFD out of these rumors Loomer has called attention to them. Still, my reaction to having to even think about it is the same as yours – Eeeww!

    • No telling what goes on during those rides with him in his plane. I don’t know what von shitzi’s type is but if he ain’t gettin’ it at home…well…I doubt he be against closing his eyes for a minute or two. I know that is a horrid thing to say but my word she brings it out in folks.

  2. Sorry, but the photo used at the top of this article is a BIG lie. She is not that attractive nor that slim and he is not that slim nor that young. Just sayin…..

  3. One more thing, she leans up against the orange menace rubbing her boobs all over him. That says something. No one does that unless there is more there than just a casual acquaintance. At least no one that I know and I know a lot of people.

    • she is certainly using her “assets” to influence him.. he may or may not still be capable of the act itself. and unless that bump expands, I will assume it is just fat. she has a lot of nerve complaining about others doing rather less vicious gossip than she does herself.

  4. sheeeit loomer, suck in that gut. I understand ab exercises work wonders for that kind of thing. At least spare us the sight of your jiggles by wearing something more appropriate for a fat ass.

  5. I have a technical question: is giving a blow job considered ‘an affair’? There have been times it didn’t apply in my life. Just asking.

    • Bingo! She knows how to get to 45 and that’s one way. I’m sure Melania isn’t putting out anymore. Let’s keep this going. Loomer is giving 45 “satisfaction.”

      • It wasn’t much of a blow job either. I’ve said ever since details of this dalliance came out it was pretty much backseat fumbling around like a couple of high school kids on a weekend night engaging what back in my day (50 years ago) was called “parking.” A blowjob of any sort was almost unheard of, and actual sex itself even rarer despite what everyone knew was bragging. Sometimes with some people things did get pretty far or even “all the way” but for the most part it was as I said fumbling around. Because of my height (6’4″) it was often something I couldn’t even engage in if I had a girlfriend. I was so skinny yet sweated out so much during games (five to seven pounds which from someone my height who only weighed around 160lbs to begin with a LOT) a recipe for severe cramping starting in the 1-2 hours after a game. Not at all conducive to contorting around in a freaking car! Anyway the whole stuff with Clinton was him grabbing a few minutes (literally) of ‘petting’ now and then. I’ll guarantee you many of those who were so “horrified” did much, much more in their Congressional offices!

  6. Those words, as used above “… HANDSY RELATIONSHIP …” are brilliant, particularly if L.L. is pulling the trigger on a blanks loaded old 45. Ewwwww. Barffff!

  7. Look, I didn’t – couldn’t – even read the article. I couldn’t get past the banner with Trump, Loomer, and… is that baby supposed to be JD Vance? It has his face! I can’t unsee it!


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