I am riveted by the George Santos spectacle. I will remain so until it is resolved. The reason I find it so captivating is that it is such an extreme example of how far politics in this nation has degenerated.

Even seven or eight years ago, this number that Santos is dancing would never work. He would have been sent down the road packing as soon as things began to get a little bit heated up, not still be there after they completely exploded. But in this iteration of the GOP anything goes. Literally, any.thing. You can be a pathological liar, scandal ridden, have a criminal past — and still, you won’t lose your seat in Congress. At least not yet.

Evidently Santos was trying to glad hand and do some social climbing at the SOTU address Tuesday night and Mitt Romney for one was not having any of it.

And was Santos duly chastened by the elder stateman’s words. Puh-leeze.

This dummy does not belong in politics. Not that that is a new observation, but his lashing back to Romney like this shows him to be of Trump caliber and utterly tone deaf to the ways things are done in Congress.

And of course it got worse.

Santos called Romney the bigger asshole, but he doesn’t dress in drag last I knew (and then lie about it) he doesn’t have any staffers accusing him of sexual misconduct, and I don’t believe he’s in danger of being indicted for campaign fraud any time soon. Santos can’t say that.

What a sublime punk. Santos got where he is by being a liar and a punk and then he actually meets somebody of considerable stature in the Republican party and instantly makes an enemy out of him.

I would have to wrack my brain to think of something I agree with Romney on, but in this instance he’s right.




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  1. I’ve a funny feeling that he’ll skate. After all, he’s only a con man, a sexual predator (albeit on the gay side) and a thief. He claims to have been a star athlete. (I don’t know if he cheats at golf, but I would guess he would). He also is a certainty NOT to be re-elected

    Now, is it an overstretch of the imagination to compare that with a certain Florida resident?

    • The fact that the halls of Congress were jammed with NY-3 constituents today puts this issue on a different plane, in my view. Those people are not going to drop off the petitions, talk to the press, and then suddenly go silent and fall off the ends of the earth. They will persist. The ethics investigation against Santos will persist. A possible indictment against Santos for campaign fraud may be in the offing.

      Bottom line, it can only get so crazy before the bad optics of Santos in the House outweigh McCarthy’s need for a vote. OTOH, maybe you’re right. Maybe he’ll run out the clock. And he will not get reelected, that I would bet anything on.

      • And I’ll tell you the Florida resident Santos reminds me of, and that’s Madison Cawthorn. Same thing. Nobody could tell Cawthorn to chill. He had to go the full distance and self-destruct.

        Boebert wasn’t sitting with Greene tonight, maybe she’s trying to keep it all together.

  2. I have to say I was gobsmacked when I saw Santos (if that’s his name) on the aisle greeting VIPs. It would have been so much smarter to sit on the back bench with old Marge and the other troglodytes. Since this is probably the only SOTU he will ever attend, he was going to go for the gusto. With the exceptions of his impeachment votes, this is the only time I’ve ever wholeheartedly agreed with Mitt.

    • I agree with everything you’ve said. I don’t know what motive Santos had for making himself high profile. It might be because of what you said or it might be because he is so oblivious to how deep in he is, that he thinks he’ll get out of it. That’s my theory, that he is just blissfully ignorant of how bad a position he’s really in.

      • He’s used to talking his way out of the messes he gets himself into. He doesn’t realize that in Congress, we can see all of that for what it is.

  3. It’s called having no shame. Look at the historical pictures of a white crowd, gathered outdoors, having a party, with a tortured black man hanging from a branch in their midst. Same shit. Evil.

    • When a person has NO working brain cells as in Trump’s case, the blithering idiocy, once in focus by the largest group of citizens, overcomes even the mass of supporters that swear Trump is the coming of a god incarnate … The votes show the slipping and sliding of Trump now … getting any kind of huge bailout now, has finally shown its ugly reality to Trump as he continues to squirm and blast others, when his reality is millions needed to squash debts and pay fines, rather then spend a few years pushing brooms in the building of many doors …
      Being nearly a clone of Trump’s ideals and tactics make the future for Santos grim at best … his public exposer at the SOTU, shows a disconnect with the full size and power of the Congress, just a shithead at best, has NOTHING to offer even the worst of the GOP cult …

      Like Gym Jordan, who has a closet full of blue shirts with dirty gold ties, apparently, along with a barely used sports coat, and has a stagnant brain … only knows how to attack witnesses and make outstanding charges against people that actually know stuff and earn their money … the GOP has a lot of years of do-overs to repair their damages of the last few years ,,,

  4. What a cheap, sociopathic punk. It’s all about getting attention, look at me! He couldn’t exactly show up in a freakish neon yellow dress to get the attention he craves, like Sinema did. What a freak show Congress has become. Dimbert, Horseface Madge yelling at the President. Pathetic losers, all of them.

  5. Come on santos, or whatever the fuck your real name is, you’re both ‘pubes which means you’re the biggest ass-holes in the country. You’d need a very tiny micrometer to differentiate between sizes.

  6. Don’t care about you Santos but you certainly got that right about Romney never being president and him being a bigger asshole than you….

    • If you’re the same Major Kong I’ve enjoyed reading over on DK welcome aboard! It would be great to see you over here on a regular basis. I wonder what thoughts you might have about the fucking Chinese balloon. I get that people are freaked about not seeing it in time to try and shoot it down before it got here but the Pacific is one big ass ocean and you can’t track the sky for everything passing over it. Not to mention the issue of the altitude. It’s my understanding that even shooting it down with a missile wasn’t a sure thing. Anyway, I for one trust the Air Force experts in the Pentagon who weighed the pros & cons of waiting until it was off the east coast. I do wonder if it was possible to jam any signals it might have been sending out without screwing up other communications.

      • Denis, I saw an (unconfirmed) report that the balloon was definitely observed early and was then monitored, before being co-opted to send its signals to the US as well as China, for analysis. That allowed an ongoing study of its ways and means for gathering intelligence and an overview of what it was trying to see. It was finally shot down when over water, where its considerable bulk wouldn’t land on anyone’s head.

  7. The author is surprised at the antics and low standards of some in the GOP.
    I guess he thought that debauchery and deception were the sole domain of democrats.

  8. Geez good to know nazi lovers visit the site by showing they approve of lynching, lying and grifting with the Ole thumbs down. Hey you evil pissants…go take a flying fuck at a rolling doughnut! As led zeppelin sang…YOUR TIME IS GONNA COME!

  9. Santos is correct. Romney is a colossal a$$hole. In his entire lifetime Santos could not approach the damage that Pierre Delicto has done to the American people.

  10. How did we end up with an infestation of ticks and lice on this site? What rock did they haul their dumasses out from under. Go back to the sleeze sites, where you belong.

  11. I see we have some CONservative jerks showing their ugly here. These assholes usually don’t hang around long so there is hope they will take their stupidity elsewhere soon.

  12. LOVE the ‘me first’ & rules the thee but not me MAGAs commenting on their condoning pathological liars shamelessly thinking they’re ‘owning the libs’. Nothing says you’re a cult member like pretending an obese face painting geriatric who has squandered a massive inheritance (business man is just too much of a stretch for me) spent 4 years self dealing and enriching himself, raising the deficit MORE in 4 years than Obama & George W. Combined in 16 years, losing millions of jobs, crashing the economy b/c everything he does is the work of a Clouseau-esque bumbler, tracking shit everywhere, lying when the truth would serve him better, while playing the ever persecuted victim. For the life of me, why they think someone so insecure that he brags about passing a test only Alzheimers patients fail 3 years later, or tweets that he’s the FITTEST president ever because he won a golf tournament…it’s easy to win those when you just make up a score, is anything other than the clown the rest of us see is beyond me.. The first day of the tournament he ‘won’, he was eulogizing himself at a sychophant funeral several thousand miles away. So insecure is that loon, and so brain washed his supporters, he has to hold ego boosting affirmation clan rallies, that they go to, gives the same tired bellyaching rant…everyone is mean to me. Everybody is against me. It isn’t fair. FFS, who the hell listens to that and thinks ‘yeah, now that’s a leader.’? I know, of course, they’re the same tax cheating, victim card playing, beleaguered by overwhelming feelings of inadequacy that he is.That loon is so stupid he even says HIS OWN FBI undermined him trying to help Biden win the election. Yeah, that sure sounds like an effective, morale boosting leader to me. More like he KNOWS he got beat by BIDEN!! He GOT HIS CRAZY ASS BEAT BY BIDEN! No wonder he’s pissed off. You have to fuck up MAJOR to get your ass handed to you by BIDEN. Not just a simple ass kicking, but by 8 MILLION VOTES. In Tantrumthinskins own words ‘that’s a landslide’ the largest margin a president has won by. (A lie of course, but it’s what that fool said of his popular vote losing electoral count win against Hillary.) Hannities deposition to Dominion says it all: ‘When you heard Trump say there was election fraud, did you believe him?’ Without hesitation Hannity replies ‘not for a minute’. I mean, who would? He got his ass kicked by BIDEN. Bidens not my first choice for President but like most Americans, it’s really a vote against Trump. Hell, I’d vote for Bidens dead body before I’d ever vote Trump.

  13. Im a conservative. That being said, Santos needs to be removed from Congress. Either that or he resigns. I am a firm believer in not pointing fingers at the other side, until your own house is neat and clean. Come on house, do the right thing and get him out of there.

  14. Romney has no room to say a word after all the back stabbing that bastard has done No doubt the other guy is a liar but what in the damned hell do you call that RINO/commujnist Romney


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