Yeah, the trouble has gotten upstairs, where it is hard to fix. You can’t make this stuff up.
British anti-Trump protesters warned that the meeting between POTUS and Queen Elizabeth II would not turn out well, and now that the meeting is over, they're counting the ways Trump insulted their beloved monarch. Trump kept the 92 year old queen...
Here's a fantastic way to start the first day of your life contemplating the most solid 5-4 far-right conservative SCOTUS since Hoover and FDR (leaving FDR no choice but to "pack it" with liberals), let's look at what was...
Donald Trump has had a busy week attending rallies where many of his avid supporters are either wearing Q tee shirts or holding up giant Q letters, and that has been getting lots of attention. QAnon is conspiracy theory...
It used to be a big deal when a president was perceived to have lied. Examples are easy enough to recall. "Read my lips, no new taxes." George H.W. Bush did go on to sign a bill passed by Congress...
This is a copy of the New York Times, which Donald Trump saw fit to annotate, autograph, frame, and send to then-Speaker Pelosi. Baby, you're the greatest, was Trump's pitch to Pelosi back in 2007. Today, he went out of...
Peter Wehner, a Washington insider who served under three Republican presidents, appeared on CNN Monday and held nothing back in his critique of Donald Trump. Keep in mind, this is coming from a man who worked for Ronald Reagan...
Howard Stern likes Donald Trump, or at least well enough to notate that he is one of his five favorite guests of all time, in his new book, "Stern Comes Again." That being said, Stern admits openly that Trump...
This two word sentence was uttered yesterday by the President of the United States, not as a question, as posed here, but rather as a statement of some sort of aberrant, sick fact. To what does he refer? The...
  Despite the absurdly premature speculating from liberal mouthpieces about how the Republican Party is destined for political ruin in 2020 for enabling Trump's misrule and corruption, in reality, it's the Democrats who should be worried. The handwringing among Democratic leaders...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead