UK to Trump: How Dare You…


British anti-Trump protesters warned that the meeting between POTUS and Queen Elizabeth II would not turn out well, and now that the meeting is over, they’re counting the ways Trump insulted their beloved monarch.

Trump kept the 92 year old queen waiting for more than 10 minutes in the heat, shook her hand instead of bowing, turned his back on her and walks ahead of her, left his jacket open and his too-long tie trailing.

Now, these aren’t mortal sins, but it certainly riled up the crowd, who were already displeased with Trump.  As noted in today’s headline in the Daily Mirror, “You insult our country, attack our NHS, embarrass our Queen, undermine our ‘special relationship’, humiliate our PM…and then smugly post in Winston Churchill’s armchair HOW DARE YOU…”

MSN reports, “It is considered impolite to turn one’s back to the monarch or walk in front of her. For the 70 years they have been married, her husband, Prince Philip, 97, has always walked a few paces behind her in public. Even prime ministers, after their weekly audience with the monarch, back out of the room when leaving her presence. It’s just the expected thing to do.”

You can watch Trump’s transgression below.

The Brits have spoken.  And they’re not pleased.

Hopefully the Trump’s aren’t expecting a return invitation any time soon.  I imagine they will be waiting a long time.


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