Trump Pal Howard Stern Says Trump Was ‘Traumatized’ As A Child, Needs Psychotherapy


Howard Stern likes Donald Trump, or at least well enough to notate that he is one of his five favorite guests of all time, in his new book, “Stern Comes Again.” That being said, Stern admits openly that Trump is completely lacking in empathy. Stern, who has undergone psychoanalysis himself, blames Trump’s psychological problems on a domineering father, who “traumatized” young Donald. Stern also says that he would be “so proud” of Trump if he went for therapy — but he knows he’ll never do it. RawStory:

“From what I know of Donald and his relationship with his father, it sounds traumatic. It sounds like the father was very domineering. The father expected a lot of him. And the father, I don’t know, there was military school. You know, you read these drips and drabs and you go wow,” Stern explained.

“I can assure you he’s been traumatized. Because, you know, Donald, you know, his level of narcissism is so strong. He has troubled with empathy. We know that. And I wish he’d go into psychotherapy. I’d be so proud of him if he did, and he would flourish.”

The flourishing of Donald Trump in psychotherapy: Don’t hold your breath on that one, folks. Sigmund Freud couldn’t pull that one off. What I know from having spoken to therapists myself in my life, you need a degree of honesty and self-awareness to get anywhere at all. Trump doesn’t have either quality, so it would be an exercise in futility for him to even begin. Plus, you need to want to improve yourself, and how would you get that from a man who cannot admit the slightest bit of error or fault? And who won’t apologize for anything, ever?

Stern did an interview with Anderson Cooper, and Cooper asked him, “Are you worried about the country?”

“Oh, yeah, I’m worried about the country. I have three daughters…this notion about immigration…both sets of grandparents came over, and they were fleeing horrible situations…one of my grandfathers never learned to speak English, he came here too late in life. If he had had to take a test…”

Trump’s predecessors might not have passed a test, either. His mother was a house servant, she didn’t have much schooling. His father seems more cunning than cultivated, from what I’ve read of his days as a brothel owner in the Yukon and then a real estate shark/tax evader in New York City. But that’s not the point. The point is that Trump is a petty, vindictive, empty little man, who enjoys playing power games on the marginalized and vulnerable, and that’s how his absurd immigration “policy” came into being. How a creature like that got hold of our democracy is a daily horror show. And he’s not going to put it all in reverse at age 72, and become a different person — although it would be a great day for this country if he announced his shrink told him he should resign and get into a different line of work and he saw the wisdom of that suggestion. Man, would that be a great day. Be sure to wake me up when it dawns.


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  1. So nice of Howard to give Trump an out. This makes me angry. Howard doesn’t sound too put out to me. And yes, how ridiculous to think Trump will ‘change,’ at 72. Rolling my eyes.

    • Change at any freaking age is possible, but only if the person wants it. Trump is like a bowl of jello. He solidified in his “character” and nothing has changed in decades. He’s an adolescent in a 72 year old body.

      • I agree, it is possible, you have to want to do it. I do not think it is possible for trump though. I think he is an exception to this.

        • He can’t see any flaw to correct. I’ve never heard of or seen anybody so myopic. And I’ve known some egotists in my life, but never like him.

      • I think Tr*mp’s character solidified when he was a small child. What I’ve read of him at five and seven – from others and from himself’s own words – says he’s always been a narcissist, and even at that young age thought he knew everything.

  2. “Oh, yeah, I’m worried about the country. I have three daughters…”
    REALLY? Ivanka & Tiffany – who is number 3???

    • It’s Howard Stern who has the three daughters. Trump has only messed up two women. And two men. And sadly, one child, who will be his last disaster unless Melania has managed to shield him from his crazy father.

  3. You know when a narcissistic, uncouth, foul mouthed scumbag calls you out for being a narcissistic, uncouth, foul mouthed scumbag you have it bad.


    • Isn’t that something? A “shock jock” is telling us how Trump needs professional help. My God, how did we sink this low as a country?

  4. No st*t, Sherlock (Howard)! That’s what we been tryin’ to tell the world since 2015! Still doesn’t make tRump fit to serve as president of anything.


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