This is more obvious blundering on the part of Melania's staff. Maybe Melania should put together a company, Tone Deaf, LLC, because that would describe her communication efforts, if not her entire being, to a tee. Melania has a...
The appeal of Donald Trump has long been a mystery to so many. The advent of him on the political scene is frightening because it demonstrates conclusively that image is everything, superseding ability. That is beyond frightening, it's terrifying....
Rick Wilson is outlining a depressing, but all too plausible scenario for 2024. As you know, I find it highly credible that the 14th Amendment can be invoked to remove Donald Trump from the ballot due to his participation...
Time is a funny thing.  As the old saying goes, "Time flies when you're having fun."  Yet time also has a way of dragging.  If there's a saying about it dragging out during bad times I don't know it...
Again I say, if you wrote this as fiction, nobody would believe it. "No character can be that stupid," you would say. "This isn't plausible." And you would be correct in so stating. But when we're dealing with Donald...
There are two things faster than a speeding bullet. One is Superman and the other is Donald Trump's fastball. When did he play baseball, you ask? Oh, we're not talking about that. We're talking about his football fast ball....
Friends, get your deerskin hat and magnifying glass, particularly the magnifying glass, or expand this image on your screen to the max. Because this you've got to see, in detail. When Trump turns and dips his head at the...
How far is this going to go, I wonder? The right-wing media is desperate to keep Donald Trump looking good to as many Republicans as possible, and keeping the hard core MAGAs on the hook. That's their bread and...
Trumpty must have dropped his MyPillow and fallen out of bed on his head. He was not looking good in South Dakota last night. And his commentary was off the walls. It can only be assumed that since he...
How much does it suck to be Trump these days?  Well, he fought back when, as a response to Trump fomenting an insurrection former NYC Mayor Bill DeBlasio tried to terminate his lease to operate the Ferry Point public...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead