Another first, when we have to question whether a presidential candidate's response to a town hall question is real or is it just an episode from a popular television show on religious hypocrisy and grifting? Because you will have...
Donald Trump loves to forecast doom, especially if he doesn't win the 2024 presidential election. It's just a repeat of his behavior before he lost the 2020 election and that fear-mongering led to the insanity that was January 6,...
If Doug Mastriano doesn't step down, or isn't asked to step down, when this little ditty you're about to hear gets around today, then the GOP is more irretrievably broken than we know. This is certainly a moment of...
The political scene in America right now is like Russian nesting dolls, you open up one of them you find something else even stranger, and then you look inside that, same thing. As you are painfully aware, the Republican...
I saw a blurb about this in the news recently but it quickly faded from view.  However, when I got online this morning this article was on my homepage news feed so maybe in the lull before Trump's GA...
The midterm elections officially ended Tuesday night and now the new reality of where we are as a nation is starting to hit. A lot of people have regrets about how they have conducted themselves in the Trump years. It...
Here is a blast from the past. The introduction of theocrat Sean Feucht into the mix last night when Ron DeSantis appeared at a "church service" of his, brought up memories. These are clips from a celebration on the...
Donald Trump has suddenly got religion and it's a weird metamorphosis. I mean, this is a man who, if his mouth is open, he's lying. Really, religion has never been part of who this guy is, I don't care...
I was inspired to republish one of my very earliest articles, from January 2, 2017, because of what happened tonight in Latrobe, Pennsylvania.  I had only been a blogger for three months when I wrote this. At the time...
We may laugh at the overt hypocrisy of many White Evangelicals and they are comical, so it makes sense that we do so. When Paula White was chanting in tongues and proclaiming that "legions of angels" "out of Africa,...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead