The midterm elections officially ended Tuesday night and now the new reality of where we are as a nation is starting to hit.

A lot of people have regrets about how they have conducted themselves in the Trump years. It is frankly refreshing that a member of one of the groups that has conducted itself the most disgracefully, the evangelicals, has come forward to renounce their former position.

They all turned a blind eye and deaf ear to Donald Trump and his dalliances and that is unquestionably part of what is being said here.

This could be the start of something big, as the song goes.

This is why politics and religion should not mix. Politics is admittedly an institution which is man made. It’s going to have a down and dirty side to it, a “feral” side, as the late Harry Reid characterized it.

But the church, arguably, is an institution inspired by God. It needs to hold itself above human squabbles.

It’s refreshing to hear something like this coming out of the mouth of an evangelical pastor. I cannot wait to see where this goes from here. I wonder if the likes of Robert Jeffress, or Paul White or the unspeakable Kenneth Copeland are going to come forward? I doubt it.


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  1. The church, temple, mosque & all the other religious institutions were created by people, maintained by people, and their belief systems are created by bureaucracy, i.e., people. I feel ‘inspired’ to call out all these institutions and the people in them as flawed, limited, ignorant, and hypocritical. Just feeling something or believing something DOES NOT MAKE IT TRUE. As a Religion major from a ‘public ivy’, I find most people haven’t the slightest clue why they believe what they do, or have any real research to challenge or justify their beliefs, or have a sense of how much blood has been spent over those belief systems. Ironic that all these folks are ‘experts’ about ‘God/Allah/Jehovah/Etc.’, yet they have no clue how vast the universe actually is or how it came about. I’m not torpedoing the mysteries of the past, present, or future. I’m promoting what Shakespeare said long ago when Hamlet addressed his friend. “There are more things in heaven and earth than dreamt of in your philosophy Horatio.” In fact, it’s blasphemy to claim full knowledge of anything much less ‘God’. Arrogance & ignorance are most people’s religion & sense of human history. Our golden calf…covered in blood. Truth is elusive. Always has been. Always will be. Fact.

    • Personally I believe religion was created by MAN to control others and impose their beliefs on others. I understand that some folks NEED something/someone to believe in. That is not for me.

      • Understand the sentiment but everyone believes in something. It may be based on a lot of things or pieces of information, experiences etc., but you identify yourself as ‘wiccan’…im sure there are tenets you accept in that description that meets the definition of ‘belief’. Look up the origin of the word ‘religion’ & you’ll find a mystery wrapped in an enigma. By the way the oldest records of rituals/beliefs go back hundreds of thousands of years ago. That’s interesting along with women being prominent for much of the ancient history as sacred givers of special knowledge. One patriarchy took over, history was rewritten. We are a speck in time, living on a speck of rock, as a speck of organic matter in immeasurable space & time. Believe what you like but all facts lead to greater mysteries that will never be understood or known. Life is a continual process from the known to the unknown, which we all will face at death like it or not. Opinions will mean nothing. Oh, and if you don’t think you have faith, well…you believe that 3,000 pound machine traveling inches from yours in the opposite direction will stay on the other side of a line of paint on the road. The fact is they sometimes don’t, but you, (and I), have ‘faith’ they will. It comes in many flavors.

  2. This is a letdown that has been 20 years in the making, really. The terrible deal they made to become part of the Reagan coalition has finally come due in terms of payment. And overturning Roe came at the price of losing everything else they valued. No pity for them or their shitty choices.

  3. I’ve always maintained that mxing religion and politics is even more damaging to the church than it is to the state. Not that I can claim the credit – my Mom taught me that. It should be obvious to anyone who knows anything about history, and it never ceases to boggle my mind that so few people see it.

    • Thomas Jefferson said religion would corrupt politics. Alexander Hamilton said politics would corrupt religion. Both wanted the wall between church and state, each for his own reasons.
      The last few decades have proven BOTH of them absolutely right.

  4. Too little too late fools. Once the deal with the devil is made, the stench of it clings to you. Young people are turning away from that stench in DROVES. I hope this little “oohh I only did this because…” bites them in the ass so fucking hard they are never EVER be allowed to taint politics and government ever again. I hope young people are paying close attention to this vocabulary lesson and that lesson is all about the word hypocrisy.

  5. They got what the wanted so now they can disavow the devil. They laid with a dog and came up with fleas. The stench won’t go away just because they now confess their “deal”.



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