A picture is worth a thousand words and this video of Before Trump and After Trump "news" coverage from the gang at Fox will blow your mind. https://twitter.com/ErickFernandez/status/1006490047280046080?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.dailykos.com%2Fstory%2F2018%2F6%2F12%2F1771363%2F-Watch-this-Fox-News-is-state-propaganda-television-and-they-aren-t-even-trying-to-hide-it-anymore Never forget that we have at best a part time president. Trump is...
Art of the Deal ghostwriter Tony Schwartz had an altogether obvious and devastating explanation for Trump's attacks on our allies. Trump is mentally ill, and such behavior has been his typical mode of operation for as long as the...
One can say a great many things about Joe Scarbarough, and I could play at how cool I am and spend an hour listing his sins, but I'd rather point out one of Joe's strong points. Joe's show is...
Abby Hunstman (Who knows better to even be working at Fox, or speaking to someone who goes by the name "Mooch,") said today, Via Raw Story “Anthony, talk to us about this moment,” she said, turning to Scaramucci. “This is...
My colleague Ursalafaw just wrote an essential article on the fact that the G7 was an absolute disaster. This could have been predicted beforehand for two reasons. One, Trump was whining about having to go at all, and two,...
In the Watergate era when Nixon would tell a whopper and then contradict himself, then-press secretary Ron Zieglar would characterize the invalidated statement as “no longer operative.” The Trump administration is carrying on that tradition. Melania Trump dropped from...
Sean Hannity has never been confused as a public intellectual. He's about as dull a blade as butter ever sought. He couldn't pull off irony, or humor if Trump's presidency depended upon it, and that's just one of the...
In case you missed it, Rudy had some choice words about his lack of respect for Stormy Daniels due to her profession. "A woman who sells her body for sexual exploitation, for money, I have no respect for." If you...
Bravely, Sarah Huckabee-Sanders placed herself in front of the media again in the White House Daily Briefing, and it did not take long for the press assembled to demand to know why they ought to take her or the...
McClatchy on their game, brings us a new find on Russian operatives tied to the never-to-be-damned-enough “troll factory” that brought us "President Trump" and already under indictment by special counsel Robert Mueller. A Russian group with ties to these...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead