Abby Hunstman (Who knows better to even be working at Fox, or speaking to someone who goes by the name “Mooch,”) said today, Via Raw Story
“Anthony, talk to us about this moment,” she said, turning to Scaramucci. “This is history. We are living — regardless of what happens in that meeting between the two dictators — what we are seeing right now, this is historic.”
Proving that every once in a while, Fox tells the hard core truth. Now, the question becomes whether that was a slip at all, or if we are being conditioned to accept living under a dictatorship. Don’t laugh quite yet.
We know that the Russians are the masters of media manipulation, we know that Manafort’s latest indictment included references to paying journalists $2.4 million for “favorable coverage.” We know that Russia does not like representative democracy, indeed that is why they backed Trump to begin with, they figured he’d lose but cause a ton of damage along the way. We know that Trump just went and met with six leaders from the world’s greatest democratic republics, and through a hissy fit, clearly acting as if he didn’t like the company, calling one fine leader a liar. Trump spent the majority of his time at the G7 complaining that Russia wasn’t invited, like he had nothing in common with the people who he met there, he needed a dictator along, someone like him, someone he could relate to.
I could easily see a situation where the Russians make an intelligence play – I am near certain they’ve already gotten to Hannity – and they start peppering broadcasts with references to Trump as a dictator. I can see that easily.
The only flaw in this particular instance is that Abby Hunstman is the least likely of all the anchors to be bought off. First, she has more money than Trump, by far, through her family, which owns all of Utah. She can’t be bought. Second, her father has a centrism that he carries with pride, and she is daddy’s girl through and through. She’s never been a “true believer,” and I don’t see Abby as one targeted to make that sort of plant.
It’s likely a mistake.
Fox makes a mistake, tells the truth, shit happens.
But don’t think the Russians aren’t capable of attempting something like this. We will watch to see if it happens again.
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