The real problem with following a crazed psychopath like Trump around, waiting for your marching orders is that, sooner or later, you end up every bit as batshit crazy as he is!
It's springing up all over. In Florida today, GOP pus bucket...
"It may not be good for America, but it's damned good for CBS" (Les Moonves)
I'm sure you're familiar with that statement by former CBS head Les Moonves. Former as in forced out but not over that statement or the...
If ever there was a textbook example of a one trick pony, it was the GOP of 1973-2022. Because for almost 50 years the GOP was able to motivate its far right Evangelical base by one issue and one issue only. Abortion.
When I joined Politizoom, I promised Ursula Faw, the Grand Poobah of PZ, the Ayatollah of rock-rolla, that I would never submit articles just to fill space on a page. It's a matter of ethics. If you noble readers are willing...
This is going to blow the doors off if/when it becomes public with accreditation. The New York Times is reporting that at the height of the insurrection, when protesters were chanting Hang Mike Pence! Hang Mike Pence, Trump agreed with them.
The NYT...
When the rubber meets the road, boy meets girl then watch it explode. Yes mean no means yes means no, when the rubber meets the road   Meat Loaf  When the rubber meets the road
And in the House Democratic battle...
When they show you who they are, believe them  Maya Angelou
In today's Imbecile Roundup we actually have a twofer. Let's dive right on in, the water's fine.
Imbecile #1, Traitor Tot came out in a rally and laid it on the...
Oh, Viggy, did you back the wrong horse.  Dr Peter Venkman  Ghostbusters 2
I wrote recently that near certain 2024 GOP presidential primary candidate Ron DeSantis was in trouble. My main point was that while DeSantis lacked charisma, personality, intelligence...
We're 130 miles from Chicago, we have a full tank of gas, a half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark, and we're wearing sunglasses. Hit It!  The Blues Brothers
Right now, the only cause that the GOP has going into...
Sunlight Is The Best Disinfectant
If what I'm thinking is true, this could be terrible news for the entire GOP, not just Trump. I just twigged to this today from a minor filler piece on an MSNBC shot today.
It's news...