Leading Indicators Four Years In The Making.


I tried to find me an executive position, but no matter how smooth I talked, they wouldn’t listen to the fact that I was genius, the man said we got all that we can useĀ  Ā Jim CroceĀ  Ā Working at the car wash blues

I know I riled some of you a while ago, when I told you to stop pouting and just accept the fact that barring a Russian invasion, Joe Biden is going to be the next President of the United States. Maybe if I give you a quick peek at my mentality, you’ll understand.

Just shy of 60 years ago, when I strapped on my first pair of skates, and picked up my first stick, I began my hockey career as a goaltender. And even back then there wasĀ oneĀ inviolable rule.Ā Your memory is only one shot long! Make a great save? Pump your fist in the air, take your teammates accolades, and get your head back in the game, another one is coming. Give up a cheap goal? Slam your stick on the crossbar, get a glug of water, and get your head back into the game before you give up another one.

With that mentality, it was easier for me to see 2016 what it really was. A terrible, soft, cheap goal against. The day after the election I wrote a scathingly bitter sour grapes article for Daily Kos, splashed water on my face, pulled my mask back down, and started working on 2018. For me, 2016 was never anything more than a cheap, lazy goal.

As I was looking through today’s new poll results, and some cross tabs, something snagged in my mind. So I looked further back at some other things I had written and read in polling, and the pattern was still there. Yeah, I know, don’t jump my shit. National polling isĀ notĀ conclusive, since we have an electoral college. But looking back historically, this is not some seismic event, it is actually the continuation of a trend 4 years in the making.

Donald Trump was inaugurated on January 20th, 2017, and the next day, the bottom fell out. The massive Women’s March on Washington protests provided a global rebuke on Trump and all that he stood for. But being president, Trump went ahead and started filling his cabinet and department sops so he could at least give the appearance about giving a shit about running the country.

Trump may be a political buffoon, but at least he listened to somebody with political skills for once. When choosing loyal GOP House members for administration positions, he chose carefully from only what were consideredĀ safeĀ GOP districts, to ensure maintaining his house majority after the special elections. And the wheelsĀ stillĀ flew off of the Klown Kar.

Surprisingly the Democrats managed to steal a couple of seats. But more importantly, in state after state, and district after district, the Democrats out performed the shit out of the GOP. When all was said and done, the Democrats out performed the GOP by an average of 16 points per race. Races that incumbents won by 20 the year before were reduced to a 4 point margin of victory. Worse yet, in the off year state elections of Virginia in 2017, the Democrats came within a coin flip of tying the House. There was definitely frigging in the rigging going on.

2018 brought us the daily double. And it wasn’t like the GOP didn’t see it coming or anything. In preparation for the debacle, a near record number of GOP House incumbents chose to either retire their seats, or run for a statewide office instead, rather than face the humiliation of electoral defeat instead. And the Democrats proved them sage prognosticators, flipping 40 seats in the House, and giving Nancy Pelosi the gavel back. Even blood red Kansas elected a Democratic Governor, as well as a Native American lesbian, MMA boxer lawyer to congress.Ā  Even the Senate was a moral victory, considering that on Inauguration day of 2017, Senate Majority Leader Moscow Mitch McConnell rubbed his hands gleefully, boldly predicting a filibuster proof majority when the Senate returned in 2019.

And speaking of 2019, that year brought us the trifecta, to keep the horse racing shtick going. In the spring of 2019, the Democrats in Illinois rolled, flipping seats in the state legislator that had never had a blue clad ass sit in them since the day they were created. And in November, the Democrats in Virginia finished the job, flipping the House and turning the state blue. And the hits just keep on coming.

Now we’re in 2020, the moment of reckoning for Donald Trump and his third rate crime family. And Joe Biden is mopping the floor with Donald Trump. Why is this amazing anybody? If you just look at the electoral history of the last 4 years, this has been brewing, and worsening for the GOP every single year! The polling that we are looking at right now is not some kind of weird one off, this is the result of four years of steady, progressive trending in one direction.

And now, just a couple of things about the polling. Don’t just look at the polling,Ā lookĀ at the fucking polling! In 2016, Donald Trump won the state of Texas by 9 points over Hillary Clinton. At the moment, Joe Biden is leading the composite average of national polls by 9 points, and guess what? As we speak, Joe Biden is in a dead heat with Trump in the state of Texas. That isn’t an anomaly, that’s perfect statistical symmetry. And it’s why Trump is now trailing Biden in battleground states that Trump won by less than 9 points. Take the national polls with a grain of salt, but when the state polls start to mirror the national polls, at least accept the symmetry.

And now for the battleground state polls. In 2016, Trump got about about 46.2 of the popular vote, and he needed every one of the extra 77,000 votes that he scraped off in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania in order to win the electoral college. Go ahead, pick a state, any battleground state. Now, look as far back as you like. You’ll have trouble findingĀ anyĀ reputable poll in which Trump clears 42%. And that’s why Biden is now ahead by 13 points in Pennsylvania, leading outside of the margin of error in Wisconsin, and Michigan is so bad that Trump’s campaign is seriously considering throwing in the towel. Which is exactlyĀ whyĀ state polls like Texas mirroring the national polls are so important. Because it means that Trump is going to have to spend large coin in states like Florida and Ohio to compete, and Biden is out raising him in funding.

Look, I’m not trying to sell you guys anything. If you look solely at 2020 in a self contained bubble, it’s easy to get paranoid, and try to deny what’s before your eyes. But if you look at recent history, you can see that 2020 is shaping up to be the culmination of four years of growing resistance to Trump. Don’t get cocky and complacent, but at the same time, acknowledge the numbers for what they are and be confident. Nothing kills Trump more than a confident opponent, Mary Trump confirms that. 2016 was a terrible, cheap goal, but we’re still the better team. Forget about it,and go get it back.

To know the future, look to the past.before the insanity of the 2020 election, relive the insanity of the 2016 GOP primary campaign, and the general election, to see how we got to where we are. Copies of President Evil, and the sequel, President Evil II, A Clodwork Orange are available as e-books on Amazon, at the links above. Catch up before the upcoming release of the third book in the trilogy, President Evil III: All The Presidents Fen

Follow me on Twitter at @RealMurfster35

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  1. I am a old Illinois graduate. Many of those seats were gerrymandered by the republicans in a democratic state. Still havenā€™t figured that one out. Anyway as you say 2016 sucked. After sixty years of avoidance in 2017 I registered to vote for first time. Other thing I couldnā€™t figure out is why you would elect a failed actor clown that went bankrupt 6 times with his daddy bankrolling him. And in conscience couldnā€™t give proper vent unless I was officially in the mix. Now do to my age and family troubles I moved out of Illinois to a republican state. And now the only thing I can say is that I got my dream. I am able to trout fish as a resident. Otherwise government sucks. But I see changes on the way. May not happen this year but republicans are losing. The good old boys back room politics are dying. Republicans are going to have to change with it or retire to their stables.

  2. And another thing. In the picture trump is the shortest one. That alone makes Biden best guy for the job. Course we donā€™t really get the true stature of trump since heā€™s so overwhelmingly over weight we donā€™t get a true idea of his height. My doctor is on me about that. Says a lot of my problems is because I am to big for my frame. If I were to drop at least fifty pounds I would be in a lot better health. But I keep telling him I am on the see food diet and shouldnā€™t be that bad. Thatā€™s why I know trumps doctor lying out his ass about trumps physical appearance. Ainā€™t no way heā€™s a slim 240. In his dreams, maybe!

    • Chris, get out right now and go to the Stop&Shop with your mask on. But fresh carrots, celery, Tomatoes, Brocolli, cauliflower, cucumbers, peppers of all diferent colours, etc. Do NOT buy any Oreos or chips or crapola of the sugar-salt kind! Got it? NOTHING!!!! Now come home and and clean all the fresh veggies. Cut them up and put them in abowl in front of you while you work. Feel like snacking? See food? Look up and there it is. Eat all you want “gesinterheit”! (yiddish: “in the best of health”). I promise if you listen to the old Canadian you WILL get better!!!

  3. Get your point but never underestimate the power of a corrupt government that presently has the power of the presidency, the supreme court, the Senate, & the attorney general. Oh, & the effects of a culture that doesn’t read, doesn’t promote critical thinking, & has demanded obedience in order to survive in any industry, especially our educational institutions. Hopefully from your lips to God’s ears.

  4. ? ? ?????? ???? 10-? ??????? ? ????? ??????? ???? ????. ? ???? ??????? ????? ?????? ???? ?? ??? ???? ????? ???? ??? ???? ?????? ?? ? ??????? ?? ???? ???? ??. ????, ?? ??? ??? ???? ??? ??? ??????? ??????? ?? ????.Follow details on this web page.. Copy and open this link for more informationā€¦ Hereā€”> http://Www.Fox200.comĀ 

  5. ? ? ?????? ???? 10-? ??????? ? ????? ??????? ???? ????. ? ???? ??????? ????? ?????? ???? ?? ??? ???? ????? ???? ??? ???? ?????? ?? ? ??????? ?? ???? ???? ??. ????, ?? ??? ??? ???? ??? ??? ??????? ??????? ?? ????.Follow details on this web page.. Copy and open this link for more informationā€¦ Hereā€”>>>>> http://Www.Fox200.comĀ 

  6. Murphster, NOW I understand everything about you – you’re a goalie. To inform everyone, here’s what that means. Famous Montrealer, and awesome goalie Roberto Luongo once said “I do not fear stopping the 100 mph slapshot. I fear NOT stopping it”. Now for those of you who don’t fully understand what that means, go buy a ticket to a pro hockey game when it all returns, and show up 45 minutes before the game and sit right behind the net for the pre-game warmup. Watch and listen to how hard and fast those pucks hit the glass behind the goalie, while you sit 1-4 feet on the other side of that glass. It’s like an explosion. Now imagine WANTING to stop those pucks!!! THAT’s how utterly and hopelessly batshit crazy our friend the Murphster is!!! Kinda explains everything about him, doesn’t it?? šŸ™‚
    Now for my point Joe. Yeah, yeah, we all see those numbers but we don’t care. Trump is as amoral as anyone who has ever been in the White House. Like his patron Putin, they will both do anything to maintain “THEIR” control of power. The last thing they could possibly care about is maintaining democracy. So the issue is, WHAT is the surprise, or surprises, they have planned for October to election day. No one questions that he will lose the election on the basis of votes. That’s a given. But the question is how will they conspire for him to maintain power? We KNOW that they will. We know something will happen whether by Facebook, Twitter or whatever. Was yesterday’s Twitter event the GRU testing their big plan, or just some kids in their basement knowing how stupid so many people are and made $115k for their understanding of the infinite stupidity of people? No clue, but irrelevant. Putin and Trump are planning something. We just don’t know what it is. And like the Maginot Line, we know what they did 4 years ago, but we have NO CLUE what they’ll do next because the CIA and National Spy Agency in Maryland (forgot what they’re called, maybe they wiped my brain (or maybe I’m just on the cusp of 60 and time did that all by itself)) because Trump (or it could be Vlad ) control those agencies and is certainly forcing them to look at the squirrel instead of what’s REALLY going on. THAT’s the concern Joe, We KNOW Trump will lose the election. Baked in. We just don’t know how he’ll stay in power. And I REALLY don’t know how he will then be removed from power, if ever. and by “ever” I mean, who will Putin put in Trump’s place when the old brain-dead-already fuck croaks? You don’t think Putin has already figured that out?
    THESE are the questions keeping me up at night.
    Got any thoughts, Ken Dryden Murphy?

  7. As Trump said, Republicans only win elections if they suppress every else’s vote. Any time an office is lost by the winner of the most votes, is an undemocratic theft of office. Make no mistake: It WILL happen again but moreso this year. It isn’t about the landslide. It is about the theft. I fear.

  8. Martin Luther King, Jr.ā€™s quote, ā€œThe arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice,” applies here. I pray every night that your predictions are right, Murph!

  9. ? ? ?????? ???? 10-? ??????? ? ????? ??????? ???? ????. ? ???? ??????? ????? ?????? ???? ?? ??? ???? ????? ???? ??? ???? ?????? ?? ? ??????? ?? ???? ???? ??. ????, ?? ??? ??? ???? ??? ??? ??????? ??????? ?? ????.Follow details on this web page.. Copy and open this link for more informationā€¦ Hereā€”>>>>>>>>>> Fox200.Com

  10. ? ? ?????? ???? 10-? ??????? ? ????? ??????? ???? ????. ? ???? ??????? ????? ?????? ???? ?? ??? ???? ????? ???? ??? ???? ?????? ?? ? ??????? ?? ???? ???? ??. ????, ?? ??? ??? ???? ??? ??? ??????? ??????? ?? ????.Follow details on this web page.. Copy and open this link for more informationā€¦ Hereā€”>>>> Fox200.com


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