Trump just doesn’t “get it,” does he?


* Sigh * Why, of why couldn’t the South Koreans have stopped His Lowness on his way back over that imaginary line for not having a valid passport and visa for entry into South Korea? After more than a couple of quick hours with Trump, Kim would have found out real quick what it feels like to wake up sober alongside to someone you fell asleep drunk next to. But no, they had to let him out, and back on Air Force One, and the world breathes a sigh of relief while we go back to crying in our beer.

And what a welcome back this turned out to be. Donald Trump without Fox and Friends in the morning is like your 3 year old without Barney the Dinosaur, trouble is sure to follow. Turns out that Emperor Numbnuts I wants actual military tanks proudly displayed on the national mall for the July 4th celebration. Apparently Ivanka forgot to pack his medication again. Either that, or he wants us to start getting used to the sight of the military on American streets prior to January 21, 2021.

Trump just doesn’t get it, does he? He just doesn’t get this whole America thing, he must have been getting his bone spurs examined during American history class. The 4th of July isn’t a military celebration at all, in fact it’s exactly the opposite. On July 4th, we celebrate our freedom from a foreign power that tried to use it’s military to subjugate us! Why is that simple concept so difficult for him to wrap his tiny mind around?

But Trump also fails to grasp our national feelings on a much deeper and more fundamental level. Here in the United states, we don’t honor and celebrate militarism, we celebrate and venerate the troops! We don’t stand around and drool over the hardware, we throw flowers at the men and women who use the hardware to keep us safe! Militarism celebrates the offensive power of a country’s military, we choose instead to celebrate the strength of our self defense.

In World War I, German citizens lined the streets to cheer the passage of Big Bertha, the revolutionary siege cannon that laid waste to the Belgian fortresses of Liege and Namur as it rolled slowly through town, shaking the ground. But somehow none of those people bothered to show up to cheer the defeated troops as they straggled back in the opposite direction in 1918. Funny how that works.

But in both 1018 and 1945, citizens packed the streets like it as the second coming of the Rolling Stones to cheer the return of the troops. They threw flowers, ticker tape showered down, and women broke through to kiss soldiers they had never met, and would never see again. And there wasn’t a fucking tank, or artillery piece, or half track in sight, just the men and women who did the job, America wasn’t celebrating a victorious conquest, it was massively celebrating the sound rejection of an attempted conquest. Self defense in other words.

The rest of it is bad enough. Trump has already turned us against each other in a way we haven’t seen since slavery and the Vietnam war. He is trashing our every institution of government like the aforementioned Rolling Stones in a Cleveland hotel room. He has turned the country that was the elder statesman on the world stage into the kid in the corner with the dunce cap on his head. All of that is bad enough. But now, he wants to mess with our most celebrated tradition, the very celebration what makes us who and what we are. Fuck him. Sideways.


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  1. I’m from Cleveland…and I love the Stones. But even Keith would have left that hotel room in pristine order compared to the debris that “Douchebag Donnie” leaves in his wake. Next time don’t sugarcoat your comments so much! Otherwise, you are 100% correct!

    • No ofense meant…I could have picked pretty much any city for the example, Cleveland just came to mind first…lol

  2. The Ol’ Stroke-Waffle won’t be satisfied just parading military hardware he’s not allowed to use–not yet, anyway. Nope, I expect there’ll be some majorly egregious ego-fluffing going on, too, in the vein of hundreds of troops passing in review, arms raised in a quasi-Mussolini salute to El Grope-O, while he rubs his tiny hands together in delight.
    I hope like hell it’s hot as fuck in DC on the 4th. It’d make a grand opportunity to watch that idiot traffic cone sweat, just like he’s gonna be sweating when he’s frog-marched out of the White House in 2021.
    Do I sound vicious and vindictive?
    I do?

    • Of course there will, mainly his stupid speech from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial…Independence day is something almost EVERY President in history has avoided politicizing like a hot stove, but not numb nuts…

      • Oh, but what I’d most love to see is Baby Trump balloons, 99 of ‘em, wafting through the air of our nation’s capitol…

  3. What I don’t understand is why does tRump get to change the whole 4th in DC celebration? Sure, he’s the ‘presidunce’, but does that give him unlimited power to overhaul the whole 4th celebration? Isn’t the city of DC in charge of it, or the federal government, or somebody? Is he getting away with it because nobody will say no to him and are rolling over and playing dead instead? I HATE the idea that he gets to turn this into just another disgusting pep rally for himself. I hate that there’s going to be a parade with military displays for himself. I hate the whole thing and I hope that either nobody shows up, or everybody shows up to protest this abomination of a display for the most abominable POS to ever stink up the WH.

    • He’s not getting as much as he wants…He wanted to change the location of the fireworks display as well, but the Mayor told him to fuck off…I’m not sure HOW they get tanks to the national mall, since the treads would totally destroy any of the streets leading to it…

      • I think the military heavy arms are already out because of possible street damage … I DO think he has ordered up a fly over, i would suppose by a standard group, with colored smoke as well … my hope here would be they have the smoke but in a rainbow set of color … not just the R_W_B … /s

    • I was wondering that myself. I know the Park Service is supposedly in charge, and that DC has or always did have a say in it, but apparently we have no more customs, no more playing by long-time rules and behaviors. Now, all we have is a dictatorship in plain sight but without the title.

  4. It’s pretty obvious he’s used to waving his hand and having everyone else work big overtime to Make Things Happen the way he wants – and he probably stiffs the outside workers who have to help.
    Add it to the impeachment articles.

      • Murf, you have this one exactly right DJT has no clue about what the 4th actually IS, and the military parades Putin and Kim get are the ones he covets the most …. and really has NO business doing that day …

  5. Apparently the Arlington Memorial Bridge, the one nearest the Lincoln Memorial, isn’t rated for tanks crossing it. If there’s going to be tanks, they’re going to need anothr way to get them to the Mall.


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