Yes, Easter and Transgender Day of Visibility coincided on the same day, March 31 of this year. The holiday, celebrating the rights of transgendered people was initiated in 2010 but this is apparently lost on Republican politicians and a...
Oh, I am so looking forward to this. After a useless 24 hour delay for God knows what, it's finally game freakin' on! FUX News is finally about to find out what rules and journalistic integrity mean. And God, as vindictive as...
This is comical and so far as I can tell it's legit. I found it on the Vice website and they got it from Southern Poverty Law Center. It's an outtake from a 2019 documentary You Can’t Watch This, which...
First of all, kudos to the Daily Beast. They have a huge readership and they did not choose to share the video that I'm going to share with you here. They only reported on it. They didn't fall for...
I confess to utter noncomprehension of what MSNBC is trying to do these days. Meet The Press has turned into a softball interview, bothsider travesty on Kristen Welker's watch and this new addition of Ronna Romney McDaniel to the...
Fox News has been running out of control for quite some time. Say what you will about Roger Ailes, he was able to put Fox News into the place of prominence that it occupies largely because he made it...
The suspense is building. It's Saturday. Donald Trump's day of reckoning is Monday. The big question is, will he gut Truth Social, meaning will he get a waiver from the likes of his eldest son and crony Kash Patel...
If it gets to the point where we can't trust the fact checkers, then we are truly lost. A step was taken in that direction today when PolitiFact challenged a comment made by Kamala Harris to Axios' Mike Allen. Here...
Wonders never cease. Russian mouthpiece/Putin Fluffer Tucker Carlson was pretty smug with his interview with ole Val Putin. Pootie seemed to have Tuckwad spellbound. Even Trump never got so many softballs from Carlson. He expected to be feted with...
This has all the trappings of a new sitcom. Stay with me, now. Two right-wing propagandists, one of them the top paid anchor and the other the low man on the totem pole, for the biggest tabloid/propaganda outfit on...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead