Let's try this again, shall we? Four years ago, I took some  good natured ribbing and doubt when I explained one of my long held political theories as to why I was so bullish on the 2018 midterms. And...
Maybe this is Mitch McConnell's doing. He told everybody to get off the stolen election bit and perhaps the people in Kentucky listened. I have no clue. The fact is that a We The People Reunion was scheduled in...
Lin Wood is very busy these days, giving MAGA world instructions on how to be. That's in order since he is a bit of a luminary in that universe, but the problem is that none of his instructions make...
Donald Trump taught us that life is but a TV show and he was only partly right. The MAGAs, all riled up and ready to go to war, now show us that life is a video game. Take a...
Details are coming out about the North Carolina man who drove a truck filled with bags and tubs of loose change which was supposed to turn the vehicle into a giant shrapnel machine. Floyd Ray Roseberry was vague about...
It's ironic how the children of privilege, the trust fund babies who have been completely insulated from the reality of the work a day world their entire lives, are the ones to be fomenting an armed revolution in this...
America gets progressively more insane day by day. We had a few moments to breathe a sigh of relief when the latest three-name miscreant in our culture crawled out of his truck on hands and knees and into police...
After a five hour standoff with police, Floyd Ray Roseberry has surrendered. You can see him crawling away from his truck and towards police in the photo above. My apologies it's not a better shot, we work with what...
An active bomb threat in Washington, D.C. has caused the evacuation of several government buildings including the Supreme Court and the Library of Congress. The man driving a car which he says is a "bomb" which can be activated...
If you're wondering why Donald Trump got elected, it is simply because so many of the dummies in this country identified with him. Here is one such fellow. He literally lacks the sense to come in from out of...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead