Maybe this is Mitch McConnell’s doing. He told everybody to get off the stolen election bit and perhaps the people in Kentucky listened. I have no clue. The fact is that a We The People Reunion was scheduled in Kentucky today, featuring the stars of the wingnut firmament, Mike Flynn, Mike Lindell and “Pastor” Greg Locke. 10,000 were expected to show and only 300 did. Now that is something beyond anti-climactic, that is dismal failure. I cannot wait to hear this one rationalized away.

Another possibility is that holding this rally on 9/11, the day America was attacked by a foreign enemy on its own soil, did not settle well. Again, no clues. All I can do is speculate. But this is funny. These guys may be on the way out. Trump had an outrageous act, no argument there, and he rode it for quite a ways, but because it is an act, people will grow tired of it. It will go the way of the hula hoop, a hot fad for a time and then zilch, consigned to a box in the basement of history.

Now this is interesting, check this out. Kimberly Guilfoyle thinks there were ten thousand people.

I have no idea. If anybody wants to speculate on this, feel free. All I know is that it is my inclination to believe any broadcast news reporter over anything one of the Trump Klan has to say, any day of the week.

UPDATE 09/12/21 12:45 PDT

Just got this correction on Twitter. I did not know that there were two events and the figure 10,000 expected at both threw me off. Sorry. We aim to keep it real around here.


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  1. Easy! You want the Magatards to believe 10K? Keep screeching, “K!”, just like “WMD’s”. Make the lie big and keep telling it. It becomes “fact”.

  2. It was at the fairgrounds (?) in Muhlenberg County, out in western KY. Not a big place, and certainly not a location where you’d expect that many people to show up.

  3. It’s long been my belief that Guilfoyle has stayed so medicated on various substances, she no longer knows what planet she’s on (really wish I could get official confirmation on that from Carrie Fisher…RIP to that FU Hollywood princess). So expecting her to have an accurate count of this rally is like expecting the Former Guy to go vegetarian.

  4. Guilfoyle’s event picture might be real…that’s only a couple hundred people, and they use a fish eye to give it the perspective of being more.

    However, it may also be tampered with. It’s too boring to go pull it into photoshop to examine it in detail, but check this out (you may need to open and zoom the picture in Twitter):

    If you trace a line from her left shoulder up to the middle of the crowd and the slightly to the left, you will see a large man in camouflage (Cammo Joe). He’s directly above the rear view mirror on the bike in front of Guilfoyle. Once you locate him, trace a line to the right from shoulder. Next to him and behind him is an older bald man in sunglasses and a blue tee.

    Now look at the man in the black tee front of sunglasses (right under sunglasses’ chin) and the woman in white tee behind sunglasses to the right.

    Black tee is like 1/4 the height of cammo joe and sunglasses. He’s supposedly sitting right next to Cammo Joe, but the distance from cammo Joe’s shoulder to elbow is equivalent to black tee’s head to waist. And where is black tee sitting in relationship to sunglasses? He’s almost in his lap. Why does sunglasses look larger in perspective if he’s behind black tee? White tee is supposedly three rows back…why does she drop to 1/3 the size of Cammo joe?

    This could all be the effects of lens distortion, but the image doesn’t look right at first glance. Not that I have reason not to trust these people…


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