I suppose we might as well start out with the ridiculous and hope that the night progresses. I had thoughts of doing a live blog here but now I'm thinking I'll just pick up noteworthy races and chat about...
Nothing like being a shock jock, YouTube tyrant, podcast philosopher. You don't have to know anything or do anything, you just have to pull emotional triggers, by being a first class a$$hole. You've seen this clown before. This is self-avowed...
The more things change, the more they are the same. A revolution was fought in 1776, the very same one that Lauren Boebert likes to reference in her Twitter feed, because there was a lunatic monarch in power. So...
This pro-Russia, pro-Putin stance on the part of MAGAs could be the death knell of democracy. Right-wing media is saturated with how wrong the current administration is to support our ally Ukraine. That said, it's one thing to broadcast anti-Ukraine...
Well, when you are right… you are exactly right. https://twitter.com/MacFarlaneNews/status/1554206928926113795 https://twitter.com/JoJoFromJerz/status/1554236226177273859 Yup https://twitter.com/JerryLenhart1/status/1554236599025577984 👇👇👇 https://twitter.com/JoeCostanza1/status/1554210898172059667 https://twitter.com/KenCox/status/1554207865920970753 Lock her up too… 👇👇👇 https://twitter.com/RobinFulfordTX/status/1554216961013432320 Mom is a real piece of work… https://twitter.com/BereftOfTheDial/status/1554219173856874506 https://twitter.com/Brewjew308/status/1554205940047642628 Yup. https://twitter.com/edgeoforever/status/1554206848487526400 https://twitter.com/diana_continimd/status/1554217958607503360 https://twitter.com/CJ_Feher/status/1554209147175874560 🤣🤣🤣 https://twitter.com/swavedave1/status/1554228273340592128 😬😬😬 https://twitter.com/WPaulJones2/status/1554210327956520960 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️ Bottom line: https://twitter.com/collings314/status/1554211511064793100
I cannot imagine anything more offensive to the ideals of American Democracy than stationing Police Officers and military personnel at polling places to spy on your fellow citizens as they vote, yet this is exactly what disgraced General Michael...
This struck me as I've been watching the slow motion train wreck of the GOP's 2022 primaries. There are several fundamental differences in the way that the two parties run campaigns, and they could have a major impact on...
You can file this safely under Things That Never Will Happen. George Santos having a moral awakening and deciding to do the right thing is about as plausible as Donald Trump waking up tomorrow with an epiphany of how...
There's an almost soothing and calming rhythm to election cycles. It goes something like this. Everybody shows up for a Presidential election. We all want a hand in choosing the guy who's going to spend the next 4 years...
It's ironic how the children of privilege, the trust fund babies who have been completely insulated from the reality of the work a day world their entire lives, are the ones to be fomenting an armed revolution in this...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead