I suppose we might as well start out with the ridiculous and hope that the night progresses. I had thoughts of doing a live blog here but now I’m thinking I’ll just pick up noteworthy races and chat about them.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders, aka Hucky Boo Boo, won the governorship of Arkansas with 59% of the vote. Chris Jones was a fine candidate, one of the best. But they’d rather have Mike Huckabee’s spawn than a black man in the governor’s mansion, I guess.

I’m not thrilled with it.

Nor am I thrilled with the fact that Raphael Warnock lost his slight lead and is now trailing Herschel Walker by a point and a half. That one is going to be a nail biter and may go to a runoff, if neither of them can get to 50%. Right now the brain dead football player is at 49.5% with 66% reporting. I may become physically ill before the night is over. My Gawd what a shit show it’s going to be if that man wins.

As to House seats, so far the Democrats have lost two seats, both in Florida, but they were gerrymandered and we knew that one was coming. We did pick up a House seat, however. Jeff Jackson won NC-14, a newly created district in North Carolina.

Oh, well. Let’s go back to Hucky Boo Boo.

That’s the Republican party, folks. Remember when their slogan was, “Leadership you can depend on?” It should be amended to, “Leadership you can depend on to be pure shit.”

I give you Exhibit “A” Hucky Boo Boo Sanders.


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  1. Sarah Hucksters Sandwich was a given. Her father was governor and a preacher. She went to a Bible college no one has ever heard of, and she kissed Trump’s ring, the one hanging off his Depends. Jones,was,a,Black.man with a brain.
    I think Bill.Clinton was an outlier, a,rare Den who could communicate with morons while energizing those with functioning brains and consciences. Don’t expect that to.happen again any time soon.


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