No, this is not some wishful wet dream, and it's not pie-in-the-sky thinking. It's based on simple common sense, and a lifetime of experience, a lot of which you have all already shared in your own journeys. Just hear me out. If...
*Sigh* You know, after a while this sh*t gets old. Every time an issue comes up, and Traitor Tot tries playing a verbal game of hide-the-salami, that maybe-I-Will,-Maybe-I-won't bullsh*t, he seems to think that he's being all sly, and teasing,...
This just goes to show what happens when you have a transitional megalomaniac running a campaign. It also goes to show just how far the worm can turn in about six weeks. If you cast your mind back eight weeks, you'll recall...
She offered her honor, so I honored her offer. And all night long it was honor and offer They like to say that polls are not dispositive, they are instead a snapshot in time. And that's certainly true. It takes several consecutive...
I waited a couple of days to write this. I wanted to see if the gut reaction I had during Kamala Harris's acceptance speech Thursday night held up. If anything what I felt then is reinforced. Long before she...
There were so many uplifting and inspirational messages that we all heard for the last four days that it might be easy to lose the forest in the trees. But like dominos, when the first one goes over, it starts a...
The old phrase is, He's so lucky he could fall into a sh*thouse, and come up a Rolex. And that's what's happening for the Democrats right now. They could step in front of a bus, and it would fall on its...
Let's be square, shall we? Of course we all know that the four-night spectacle we're watching go down this week isn't geared towards the brain dead Trombie Nation out there. They're already beyond all hope. And it's also not...
I related this a few days ago, but it's important. As Anthony Scarmucci, The Mooch pointed out a few days ago on MSNBC, since election day of 2016, more than 20 million Baby Boomers have gone on to their just rewards, and...
At this point Traitor Tot is starting to remind me of that stupid Limu Emu commercial where the bird keeps peckiing at it's own reflection in a plate glass  window. Apparently yesterday Trump held what the campaign called a policy  event, in a...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead