Well, this was certainly a juicy tweet to come across… https://twitter.com/maggieNYT/status/1539357412787986436 For those of you who may not be aware, Alex Holder is a British Filmmaker who had access to the drumpf crime family in the Whitehouse in December of 2020....
If you watched todays hearing, it was one howitzer blast after another. But with all of the new revelations, there were two startling admissions place late in the hearing, and probably went almost completely unnoticed in all the furor,...
In the wake of The Washington Post's blockbuster report that DOJ lawyers were specifically honing in on Trump's words and actions when interviewing witnesses in front of the grand jury, there was simple shock and awe. The former President is a...
Most Presidents, whether they serve one term or two terms, tend to spend their last few days in a similar pursuit. And that pursuit is bestowing last minute clemency by way of pardon. All presidents do it. Usually, the...
Mo Brooks' gathered all the top charismatic talent in the Republican party at the end, yes sir he did. He had Rand Paul endorse him. How's that for charm? Then he got the real heavyweights. Marge Greene. Yes. Kelly...
Holy shit! Man, talk about informational overload. When these hearings started Democratic committee member Jamie Raskin said that the J6 Committee hearings would Blow the roof off of the building. And as we speak, right about now the Capitol dome should just...
I believe it was that good Republican Abraham Lincoln who said, "You can't keep a catalogue of your lies." He didn't know the Trump family, and we envy him that. Ivanka may want to keep a catalog, or maybe she...
In the last 5 minutes MSNBC just broke information that should get his fat ass off of his golf course. The J6 committee has been in negotiations with the DOJ for weeks now about turning over documents and deposition...
Session nine of the January 6 Committee hearings will go forward this Thursday at 5:00 p.m. Pacific Time. This is prime time, it should get a yuge audience, which makes you know who cringe. The focus of the hearing will...
Donald Trump warned Brad Raffensperger that “it’s very dangerous” disputing his claims that there was fraud involved in the 2020 Georgia election results. One might ask “why would it be dangerous? I mean, in the normal course of events in American...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead