Even as Rupert Murdoch-owned print outlets The Wall Street Journal and New York Post both published op-eds declaring Donald Trump unfit to be President…, as discussed in this linked discussion on NPR… …”(Michael) MARTIN: So what caught your eye about...
You go, girl. https://twitter.com/MonicaLewinsky/status/1541882875494162438 😂😂😂😂😂😂 https://twitter.com/JoyceWhiteVance/status/1541919509816164352 https://twitter.com/MollyJongFast/status/1541907405096816641 runner up👇👇👇👇 https://twitter.com/PaprikaPink/status/1541883723972349952 Make ‘em stop, I’m dying here… https://twitter.com/IndivisiblePHL/status/1541919923286458368 https://twitter.com/indyfromspace/status/1541912327385219072 Good, but derivative 👇 https://twitter.com/OrganizerMemes/status/1541884115464572928 https://twitter.com/GOKINGSGO100/status/1541883553956278272 Boo hiss👇 https://twitter.com/WandaFenimore/status/1541897997268783104 😂 https://twitter.com/Sobres74/status/1541901792144896000 https://twitter.com/OgleConnie/status/1541900586383179777 https://twitter.com/JustSchmeltzer/status/1541895302763798528 Schmeltzer is right. Goodnight all!
Since the season ending episode of the J6 hearings last Thursday night, I've heard more and more network news hosts and talking heads keep drawing comparisons between the J6 Committee and the Mueller investigation into Trump/Russia. This is ridiculous, like...
I think that we all pretty much agree that the January 6th committee blew the doors off Thursday night. But one thing is going to end up standing out over everything else that came that night. It has already...
There was more news today from the front of the J6 committee. An NBC News camera crew found former Trump Chief of Staff, Mick Mulvaney, on his way into the committee hearing room. Mulvaney responded that he was there...
I believe it was that good Republican Abraham Lincoln who said, "You can't keep a catalogue of your lies." He didn't know the Trump family, and we envy him that. Ivanka may want to keep a catalog, or maybe she...
In the last 5 minutes MSNBC just broke information that should get his fat ass off of his golf course. The J6 committee has been in negotiations with the DOJ for weeks now about turning over documents and deposition...
Session nine of the January 6 Committee hearings will go forward this Thursday at 5:00 p.m. Pacific Time. This is prime time, it should get a yuge audience, which makes you know who cringe. The focus of the hearing will...
Donald Trump warned Brad Raffensperger that “it’s very dangerous” disputing his claims that there was fraud involved in the 2020 Georgia election results. One might ask “why would it be dangerous? I mean, in the normal course of events in American...
If the Cassidy Hutchinson testimony before the J6 committee did nothing else, and it did plenty, it shined a bright spotlight on one of the GOP's biggest problems with these hearings. Their messaging. It's sucked from the beginning, and it's only...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead