What happens when two different groups of fascists converge to protest a Pride Parade and realize that there will be a contest to determine which is the biggest bunch of a$$holes? Such was the case yesterday in Oregon City, Oregon...
What you are about to see takes the absolute cake. You're actually going to hear a homophobic man exclaim his concern over his son's sexuality above and beyond the fact that the son is an accused murderer of five...
As I said yesterday, one small step down for Kevin McCarthy, one giant drop into the abyss for the GOP -- and anybody who is exposed to who and what Mike Johnson is all about. Today's story is about...
Yes, Easter and Transgender Day of Visibility coincided on the same day, March 31 of this year. The holiday, celebrating the rights of transgendered people was initiated in 2010 but this is apparently lost on Republican politicians and a...
There are times when sheer rage becomes comedic and this is one of them. This writer for the Christian Post is apoplectic over Fox News' hiring of Caitlyn Jenner. He is beyond consolation and unless I miss my guess Fox...
Ethan Schmidt, an anti-LBGTQ activist and supporter of Trumped-up ARizona Gubernatorial Candidate Kari Lake, who has her own issues with the pride community, was unceremoniously kicked the fuck out of a PetSmart today after he demanded that the manager...
When the runaway train Roberts court overturned Roe v Wade, attention immediately  turned, thanks to far right dotard Clarence Thomas, to the possible revocation of gay rights and same sex marriage. Little wonder since Thomas licked his chops at revisiting the issue. There's just...
You've heard that the medium is the message and surely it's not too much to ask for weighty topics like the fall of western civilization to be dealt with in a venue with suitable decorum. You will howl when...
Okay, come at me: I am not a huge Star Wars fan. Ouch! Arrgh! Urk! Okay, I get it. I'm just not. I loved the original movie when I saw it, by myself, in one of the last theaters that...
This is what happens when a major political party in the United States devolves into demagoguery and sloganism geared for their ever shrinking base. They start risking a major election in which they should win on a series of...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead