There are times when sheer rage becomes comedic and this is one of them. This writer for the Christian Post is apoplectic over Fox News’ hiring of Caitlyn Jenner. He is beyond consolation and unless I miss my guess Fox News just gained an enemy in Christian world. Fox has “lost its voice and sold its soul,” he ringingly declares. This ole boy is pissed.

Surely this is the death knell for Fox, even if it remains large and influential for decades to come. It has lost its voice and sold its soul. And with what moral authority can Fox call on Jenner to speak against “Lia” Thomas competing against women? Is this Fox’s new message? “Transitioning is fine and sex and gender are whatever you perceive them to be. Just play fair!”

But, to repeat, this should come as no surprise to those who have watched Fox over the years. Although some of the biggest names on the station were Catholic (such as Bill O’Reilly and Sean Hannity), it was clear that O’Reilly’s views were hardly Bible-based.

The same with Megyn Kelly and others, whose names I mention not to demonize them but simply to say, “They are hardly basing their worldview on the Scriptures.”

As for Hannity, as much as he identifies proudly as a Christian, he had no trouble having Jenner on as a guest last year, not to criticize him but to interview him as a California gubernatorial candidate.

To quote Jenner’s words during the interview, “For me as a trans woman, I think role models are extremely important for young people.”

What? Jenner a role model for young people?

This writer makes his views plain, that “transitioning is chlld abuse.” Interesting viewpoint to have while discussing Caitlyn Jenner because she came out as a transgender woman at the age of 65 in 2015. Plus, many transgender operations take place with people who are in their forties and fifties. But this person sees trans gender issues as confusing and preying on children. Interesting.

So, if you want biblically based views, go to people who base their lives on the Word of God. If you want news that is more conservative on some issues than the left-leaning networks, go to Fox (and some others). But by all means, do not confuse the two, especially at a time when trans activism threatens to undermine the very nature of male and female, not to mention threatens women’s sports and even our fundamental freedoms of speech.

Last week, I was talking with a well-known conservative media figure who told me that, above all, we must undercut the agenda of the left, and that meant working together with gays like Dave Rubin, even though my colleague personally rejected same-sex “marriage.”

In a similar spirit, a friend of mine who is an Orthodox rabbi had Jenner speak at one of his gatherings because Jenner is such a strong ally of Israel.

And what of Trump having Peter Thiel speak for him at the Republican National Convention, despite Thiel being openly and proudly gay?

As much money as Thiel contributes to GOPers, they don’t care if he openly declares himself a Martian, they’re all for it.

It was predicted here last week — and we were not the only ones by a long shot — that Fox New was shooting itself in the foot by hiring Caitlyn Jenner, unless it was done to give her a platform where she could be mocked. The Fox News audience is not the place for who and what Jenner is. This Christian Post writer makes that abundantly clear.

I don’t think Jenner is going to last long on Fox, in any case. My sense of it is that it was stunt time when it happened and when the stunt either runs its course or goes sour, it will be time for another act and the hook will come out for Jenner.


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  1. There have always been people who were other genders. When they insist it’s a simple binary, they’re defying nature, science, and whichever deity they follow.

    • I read an amazing story about four years ago, about a transgender man who served in the Union Army during the Civil War. He was, unfortunately, “found out” and put in a mental institution and forced to wear a dress. What was amazing about it was that his fellow soldiers came forth to praise his courage and insist that he be buried with honors. Also in that same article, an American Indian was quoted as saying that transgender people were considered “dual flames” in that culture. It does exist and has always existed, it’s just so hellacious that it’s become a political firestorm at this time in history.

    • To be fair, it is about 98% simple binary. Jenner and others tacitly admit this by transitioning to “the other one.” Same with some gay marriages where one spouse is dressed like a groom and the other like a bride. The real issue is the society does not really let people be themselves. One way or another, whatever the words, actions show that nearly everyone buys into binary. Mona Charen makes some good points here.

  2. I’m as confused by Jenner joining Fox as I was by her running on the GOP ticket.
    Is she that un-self-aware that she doesn’t realize they hate her and everything she represents?
    Or is she that desperate for attention.
    Given her time with the Kardashians, I’m willing to bet the later.

    • Since you’re asking, I think Jenner needs the money (and that’s why she ran for governor in CA) and she needs the limelight probably even more.


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