You’ve heard that the medium is the message and surely it’s not too much to ask for weighty topics like the fall of western civilization to be dealt with in a venue with suitable decorum. You will howl when you hear Stephen Miller open his mouth. The production values on this clip are such that they totally detract from whatever he might be saying. He sounds for all the world like he’s in the men’s room of the Greyhound bus station and the white walls don’t help the image either.

This is taking place on the Christian Broadcasting Network, which is anything but Christian.

“So they will be forcing religious Americans, religious believers, people of faith, to violate their deeply held beliefs, their own private conscience rights and to adopt a transgender viewpoint,” Miller claims. “This is really an issue about science, it is about religion, but also about science because the undisputed biological definition of sex, really, is being turned upside down because of a radical agenda that really now is beginning in our elementary schools teaching young people, that there are no boys and girls, men and women, but in fact, people are whatever they want to be, which has profound implications for medicine for culture, for religion, and for truth itself,” Miller said.

Our schools are teaching that people are whatever they want to be. My Gawd, how awful. Let’s make sure that we stop that nonsense at once. From there it’s a step to believing that you can follow your dreams and we can’t have that kind of thinking going on.

What kills me about Miller is that as soon as he opens his mouth and starts going with that high-inflected way of ending his sentences, like he’s asking a question, he sounds like he’s about ready to do a parody of Dr. Strangelove, arm salute and all. Remember how Strangelove would cry out “Mein Furher!” as though he was asking a question, and then his arm would flip into the air?

“My personal view is that this is a failed ideology that is destined to topple in on itself. For this agenda to succeed for the transgender ideology to succeed, they need people to be scared and quiet and not to speak the plain truth. Because once people say I’m not going to bow down to something I know is untrue. I’m not going to be afraid I am going to speak my mind respectfully tastefully, honestly, it’s not going to hold it will crumble the edifice will collapse.”

The transgenders scare the hell out of the faux Xians, that much is certain. Why, who knows? And if there is a transgender “ideology” it would be interesting to know what that might be. They’re a tiny fraction of a percentage of Americans, just trying to be themselves and get by. Stephen Miller doesn’t think they have that right, evidently.

Oh well. There’s got to be an emotionally loaded topic besides abortion to discuss, can’t be on that one 24/7. So transgenders, you draw the short straw.

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    • That is so unfair to trans individuals, zombies AND trans zombies that you should be ashamed of yourself.
      I think we’d be better off with a rumor that Miller is a cockroach in human drag (but, then again, that would be a bit unfair to cockroaches–in or out of human drag).

  1. Well, I read an article yesterday about a judge in Virginia overturning a state law requiring educators (in public schools) to refer to trans students by their preferred names and pronouns because some “Christian” PE teacher objected that his “deeply held religious beliefs” were being infringed. The guy even included, in his arguments, that he “served God first” (and, again, this was a public school employee) and that showing respect to a trans child (from “that,” those were my words there) caused HIM “irreparable damage.” The school had fired him (as I recall) and he sued to get his job back.
    Combining the fact that we’ve already got PRIVATE RELIGIOUS schools being allowed to discriminate against LGBTQ individuals (as teachers, school support staff and students), this idea is becoming incredibly dangerous that a PUBLIC school system and its educators should be able to treat students with any kind of disrespect because of “religious” claptrap.

  2. Well, Steven Miller could be a zombie, or maybe just a ghoul. His resemblance to Goebbels is amazing, the nose, the ears, the dead zone in their eyes. Certainly his mind replicates the hideousness of Goebbels.


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