There was a show on television for one year back in the 1960's called That Was The Week That Was. it was a satirical show and the precursor to Saturday Night Live, which came on in the 70's. It...
A man is running to run the government he tried to overthrow while he was running it, even as he is running to stay ahead of the law, said columnist Maureen Dowd, a few days ago. Now, tonight in...
It would be interesting to see what law students would say on an exam if the fact pattern of Donald Trump's lawlessness and disregard for damaging his own case was presented to them. It would go something like this:...
This adds to the comical image of Donald Trump squirming as he faces indictment after indictment, with the first shoe to drop likely to be Stormy Daniels'. However, the next shoe after that, and it will be a 5"...
To be honest, I never believed the story about Ron DeSantis eating pudding with his fingers, which then got made into a gross attack ad by Donald Trump. I don't even want to post it here, because it's 30...
Of course we're going to do show biz references here. We have a story about reality TV king Donald Trump and up and aspiring media star Ron DeSantis, who has started ripping off old Paul Harvey scripts. And that's...
I give a lot of credit to Bret Baier for attempting to have an adult conversation with Donald Trump. It's pretty hopeless. Trump will not admit publicly -- although he has slipped from time to time -- that he...
A new Quinnipiac poll shows some good new for Democrats.  There's been a shift in the last month and a significant change in the gender gap - with women breaking towards Biden.  We keep seeing doom and gloom reporting...
File this under yet another thing I never thought I'd see in my lifetime, which is a member of Dick Cheney's family publicly disavowing the Republican frontrunner for the party's nomination in the next presidential election. It's one of...
If there is any justice in the world Lucas Kunce will be elected to take Josh Hawley's senate seat. I hope but I don't hold my breath. Jason Kandor was a terrific candidate in 2016, also in Missouri, and...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead