I give a lot of credit to Bret Baier for attempting to have an adult conversation with Donald Trump. It’s pretty hopeless. Trump will not admit publicly — although he has slipped from time to time — that he lost the 2020 election. Baier puts it to him straight, “You lost the 2020 election,” but Trump can’t process that.

In other words, we have somebody who can’t accept simple defeat, simple truth, running for yet the third time to take the reins of power for this nation into his hands. The guy belongs in a straitjacket, not the White House.

He rambles crazily, “Look at Wisconsin. They practically admitted it,” and he’s utterly pathetic. My favorite part is him whining, “you’re looking at the wrong poll, Bret.” By George, that’s it. All we have to do is look at only polls that Trump approves and we’ll be on the same page with him and we’ll stay there. Stupid us.

He’s publicly melting down like the Wicked Witch. This is incredible to watch. I hope that attack ads are being cobbled together from this, as we speak.


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  1. As others have noted, this is increasingly looking like the scene in the “The Wizard of Oz,” where everyone discovers there is no wizard. Toto has pulled back the curtain and those capable of seeing reality know the truth.

  2. No one can possibly throw a bigger tantrum than a pathological narcissist who’s losing control, particularly control of someone else’s mind, as they attempt to rewrite history so as to escape accountability.

  3. Turning red and and just makin’ stuff up, non-stop. Watching this I think most people can easily imagine him in a home for the mentally ill, certainly not the White House. How this loonie got there in the first place will be question that keeps future historians up at night for centuries to come.

    • subconsciously he has felt inadequate all his life. hence his lifelong loud insistence that he is the greatest of all time, at everything.

  4. If we throw a pail of water on him, will he melt? It would be worth a try! At the least it might answer the greatest mystery of the 21st century: How bald is he really?


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