File this under yet another thing I never thought I’d see in my lifetime, which is a member of Dick Cheney’s family publicly disavowing the Republican frontrunner for the party’s nomination in the next presidential election. It’s one of those “pinch me, I must be dreaming” moments.

But it’s real and very refreshing to hear. Added to the delight is the fact that this conversation is taking place in Texas. Do you love it?

Trump may have Greg Abbott, Dan Patrick, Ted Cruz and we’ll just stop naming MAGA cowards there, under his thumb, but he doesn’t have everybody in Texas cowed. At least not the people who turned out to listen to Congresswoman Cheney.

And then there’s this.

I don’t think Trump would show up for such a thing. I don’t know if Mike Pence would either. Pence is pretty much done politically but he seems to be the one man in America who doesn’t know that. Truthful testimony from Pence could hang Trump once and for all. I’m sure Pence knows that — and I’m very sure Trump does — and I wonder if Pence would want to go through the rest of his life having to look over his shoulder and watch for MAGA crazies.

On the other hand, in doing what’s right, he might be able to steer the GOP onto some kind of a sane trajectory. At least, this is the wishcasting that goes along with the proposal that Pence be called to testify.

I don’t know if the GOP can be saved. I think that this upcoming midterm election is demonstrate where the party is in no uncertain terms. If MAGA takes a profound hit, and it may well do so, then Trump and the Big Lie will lose a lot of ground and then it behooves the GOP to have some actual plan and some real policies — and we don’t mean a dusted off version of Newt Gingrich’s Contract With America, which was rank in 1994 and hasn’t exactly ripened with age.

The Lincoln Project comically referred to the McCarthy-sponsored reboot as “Contract On America” and that’s a good analysis.

It’s impossible to tell what will occur at this juncture. We have to wait for the election dust to settle.

This is my favorite.

Now the comment has been made, and fairly so, “What if Ron DeSantis is the nominee?” Cheney being alright with him would certainly take the glow off her halo since it can be argued that in many ways he’s worse than Trump.

However, for the moment, let us be pleased that at least she’s got her eyes on the right prize, which is getting rid of Trump.

And, maybe Cheney would run herself in 2024, as a new, Phoenix-Republican, risen from the ashes of MAGA and ready to go back to traditional conservative values. Who knows? Nothing is off the table in these anarchic political times.

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  1. You mean go back to traditional deep state career politician values. You sure do love those white old career deep state people running our lives. Trump is a threat to these deep state career politician because he didn’t owe them and he didn’t like how they lied to us behind our backs. We would be jailed for doing the same thing. And you people took the bait and your brainwashed.

    • Be afraid, little troll. Cheney is exactly the kind of villain who will gladly turn her enemies into fertilizer. Do you REALLY want to be one of them? Remember who her father is and choose carefully.

        • You don’t know the guy but from people that hate (jealous) him.
          “All I want at this point is for him to suffer.” You got some serious problems on your thinking. Ask your parents what you should do. They might be able to help.

        • I think you’re referring to your own parents. They probably tired early on of your self-righteous, know it all, arrogant little boy BS and couldn’t wait to get you out of their house. I hope for their sake that you’re not living in their basement, sponging off of them.

          • Typical think they know everything fool but they don’t. I’m 71. Their dead. You stupid idiot. Know who you’re talking to first.

    • Curious take on all this given career politician values were old, white, male pols only. We now have women in congress and one that is a good heart attack away from being president. We’ve had people of color in congress AND we were blessed with a man of color for eight years as our president. Our s.c. has over the years had women and people of color. Ditto for government structures in the states (granted some more than others). None of that seems to fit your take on this. I am not surprised however since you come to all of these forums armed with only ignorance, being completely unable to do things like research.

      I too would like Elizabeth’s question answered: what is the “deep state”? Seems like you people trot that out whenever you’re proven to be an idiot with a complete lack of knowledge about what is going on in the country. The “deep state” seems to be parts of the government that makes sure elections are free and fair. The “deep state” ensures we have clean air to breath, clean water to drink, and we have something left of our country before the oligarchs destroy it completely. The “deep state” is the mechanism provided by our government ensuring everyone gets a fair shake and not just white, xtian, males.

      I notice whenever people are screaming about the “deep state”, they happen to be white, xtians, generally older white xtians and almost always uneducated white xtians.

      former guy was never a threat to any existing white, male power structures because he is, now wait for it, AN OLD WHITE MAN.

      Do you EVER, after you finish typing your b.s., go back and read what you typed? Seriously dude you need to try it sometime so the more asinine gems you provide to us get deleted…or so I would hope.

  2. What. Have. I. Been. Telling you? This is exactly the kind of move I’ve been waiting on Cheney to make. She just basically declared war in an official capacity on the entire MAGA cult. Whether the Republicans survive as a party is totally of secondary importance to her.

    Oh and I wouldn’t worry about the likes of DeathSantis. “Sanchez”, as my mother and I call him, has proven a blatantly stupid tool that makes Trump look like my distant relative Huey Long. Cheney would never back him on those grounds and he’d never accept her as his superior because, well, uterus.

    • Honestly, she seems to have declared war on the whole of the republican party. It’s not like the ‘pubes have done anything to stop or rid themselves of the magats.

      • The republican party went to war on her for not supporting their goal of keeping an orange, bloated, lying, grifting dirtbag in the WH and turning the country into an oligarchic dictatorship. She voted with them on everything but that. Now she knows just how deep the rot in the party goes and I commend her for standing up for principles, the rule of law and democracy but I still wouldn’t want her in the WH.

        • Indeed, Rainyj. Her objection is less the goal and more the methodology. It’s why Al Capone went to prison while his cousin and successor Frank Nitti died a free man who never saw the Walls. Discreet and methodical is always more effective than brutish and slapdash.

          • ROTFLMAO! Wow. Talk about projection dude. Holy fuck. I have to say I haven’t laughed that hard this whole day. I figure you’ll post something silly again tho’ so I doubt it will be the last time I laugh so hard.

            I’d say you’re the one actually brainwashed but that does require a functioning brain and as you’ve shown all of us, that is something you sorely lack.

          • Old enough, little troll, to remember the last quarter of the 20th Century and everything your kind did. Enjoy the destruction of everything you hold dear.

      • Not fair at all, Spike…no, really. Given how much Republicans have come to enshrine the cult of the leader since Reagan and how W’s people (which included Liz’s father) eliminated any potential rivals to their power (ironically paving the way for Trump), what was their alternative? Liz Cheney is now providing them that alternative.

        Know your monsters. A feral wolf and a cunning dragon are two different beasts.


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