Of course we’re going to do show biz references here. We have a story about reality TV king Donald Trump and up and aspiring media star Ron DeSantis, who has started ripping off old Paul Harvey scripts. And that’s after his Top Gun ad fell flat. Frankly, I can’t decide if the dynamic which describes Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis is more along the lines of All About Eve or The Rocky Horror Picture Show. In both instances, a star was betrayed by someone that they had “made” either figuratively or literally.

DeSantis certainly kissed Trump’s ass to get where he is. About that there can be no dispute. And now DeSantis intends to what? To wait his turn until 2028? Or to go after the Republican nomination in 2024 and thereby rebel against his once mentor/maker/master?

Once thing we know for sure, it always gets bad when the creation turns on his creator and does his own thing. Ask Mitch McConnell, he’ll explain it to you.

Kaijus refers to a genre of bad Japanese movie involving large monsters, Godzilla and all that. These are MAGA Kaijus and MAGA is to politics what Kaijus are to Japanese cinema. Which is to say, a low budget silly imitation of a legitimate genre.

Here’s a sample. I guess Trump is Godzilla and DeSantis is Mothra? The only unfortunate part is that the villages they trample are yours and mine.

Trump is stuck with legal bills out the kazoo. Truth Social isn’t making it. It’s predicted to fold in the spring, if not before. His hotels and golf courses aren’t knocking them dead. Politics is the only business he’s making money in any more. The show must go on.

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    • Some things in this world of hurt, are bizarre and confusing … When Trump blew off the call to report to the 01-06 Committee, via official invitation, my thoughts were, “What the HELL is he doing?”, wandering around the Country, making stupid comments as usual, our tired old Senator Grassley, even gave the traitor a hug, when they met in Western Iowa, something that burns even hotter than molten lead on its way into the bullet mold …

      Simple question for the Committee AND the DOJ, how can we charge/regulate criminal actions if there are NO consequences for these freaks of Nature?

      Right NOW, would be a great time to show this country of OURS, a very entertaining moment, resembling the crunch of FBI flashing lights at Mar-o-golf, but actually, a surrounding of Trump’s plane at the next landing, a hod of armed Marshals bull horn in hands announcing to the pilots to shut down their engines, open the hatch and stand back as they go inside to collect Trump for a personal appearance at the local Sheriff’s holding cell while the official paperwork is read to him since he does not seem to be able to read …

      All of this on high-definition color video for the Public to enjoy as he is helped down the steps in cuffs charged with various criminal actions, and, by joint order of the Federal Court and the AG in New York, he WILL NOT miss his next appointment …

      It will be short and sweet, soon, I expect the Russian connection to Trump Industries and the golf courses/Putin’s money will jell, so the whole family can go down together … Probably different prisons as the stench of the whole family at one time could be over-whelming …

      Enough with the foot dragging, time for these traitors to face the music … I can hear the massive Ceili activities in Ireland already … (Banquette with music, food and of course, Mead) 🙂


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