I have literally been waiting for this for months. For far too long the Biden administration has pushed the science, and let the GOPtard anti vaxxers frame the argument as a violation of some undefined, non existent personal freedom....
You would think that an ass clown who managed to get Covid, despite being fully vaccinated by appearing at a local super spreader event would have a Come-To-Jesus-Moment abut masking, but apparently Texas Governor Greg Abbott is incorrigible. From quarantine,...
It seemed funnier than hell at the time. But maybe that was because the time was so goddamned dark and bleak. This was the bad old days of the spring and early summer of 2020, when the coronavirus was...
Isn't it fascinating how science denying dummies end up getting the coronavirus? Greg Abbott testified positive today. He was vaccinated against the virus, surprise, surprise, but the Delta variant is running rampant in his state and he loves to...
The more things change the more they are the same. The old Welfare Cadillac crowd is getting started up again and the poor are once more a leisure class subsidized by the government. This is coming from Jon Taffer,...
It's amazing who can get an audience in right-wingnuttia. Apparently, nothing is too far fetched to be out of bounds and I mean nothing. The right-wing extremes go all the way from COVID-19 is a myth and doesn't exist...
It's kind of strange. Whenever DHS or the FBI comes out with a warning, a flash, or an alert, somehow or other it's never a good thing. And yesterday they warned law enforcement of an increased risk of politically...
I was sitting in my recliner yesterday with my head back. I wasn't tired, although I was lazing off the last of the drugs from my cataract surgery,  and it hurt to blink my right eye too much. So...
So much for leadership in Texas. Educators in Dallas, soon to be followed by educators in Houston, have decided that they've had it with Greg Abbott getting people sick, not to mention dead, so they're taking matters into their...
Florida thought it had issues with destructive hurricanes but that was before they elected Ron DeSantis. He's your issue. The man followed Donald Trump's lead from the beginning to treat COVID-19 as a public relations problem rather than a...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead