I have literally been waiting for this for months. For far too long the Biden administration has pushed the science, and let the GOPtard anti vaxxers frame the argument as a violation of some undefined, non existent personal freedom. The simple fact of the matter is that you can’t reason with these post Olduvai Gorge troglodytes. They are immovable.

But Biden and the Democrats in state and cities, along with a growing number of private businesses, are finally starting to hit the special snowflakes where it hits the most. In their personal lives and their pocketbooks. Democratic cities like New Orleans and New York have instituted proof of vaccine requirements for things like going into places like restaurants and health clubs. The GOPtards and FUX News are of  course creaming personal freedom! But that ain’t going to get you into the door.

And many more companies, like Google, United Airlines. Facebook and more, sick of the disruption, are mandating proof of vaccination in order to return to work on already predetermined dates. The San Francisco Bart Association, a trade group of 80 Frisco bars and nightclubs have mandated proof of vaccination for entry into their establishments.

This is how you defeat the GOPtards and special snowflakes. Don’t engage with them, they’re dying for the fight. And don’t bother trying to reason with them, they are beyond reach. Instead, take away their creature comforts, like taking away their ability to walk into McDonald’s and order a burger, or work out a the gym. And threaten their paychecks. That normally tends to sober people up.

Biden turned the heat up another notch today when he announced that going forward, all nursing homes and long term care facilities getting federal funding show proof of full vaccination for all on site employees. This impacts more than 1.3 million employees, and since the vast majority of these facilities survive on Medicare and VA funding, this is a huge step forward.

I have been pretty hard lately on Biden for the Afghanistan debacle, and for that I make no apologies. I write from the heart, and that’s my heart. But when he does something right, he deserves full kudos and credit. And in using the federal purse strings to force large private entities who receive federal subsidies to bend to his will, he is serving the public good. And doing what we elected him to do. Well done!

Follow me on Twitter at @RealMurfster35

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  1. Jesus Christ himself couldn’t have avoided the catastrophe of Afghanistan. That house of cards was built over decades of botched foreign policy. Where do u start? With the genocide of native people? Slavery? The one percent making & breaking all the laws? The bigger lie of the war against cannabis that has criminalized tens of million citizens by purveyors of death & disease through alcohol & tobacco & big agriculture? The lies of the fossil fuel boys for the past 40years bringing us to the brink of the extinction of life on this planet? Sure, let’s hit the t-ball, i.e., the death cult that forgets their mandated vaccines for smallpox, measles, polio,etc. U are totally correct to point out this faux humanistic idea of just let them be is idiotic. Our children will die because of these pinheaded idiots. Mandate the hell out of them. We don’t let someone wander around shooting our kids(whoops), & spreading death among the unvaccinated is the same. Mandate everyone without a true legitimate reason get their shot. We put people in prison for a harmless activity like using cannabis, where there are NO documented deaths in 40,000 years. Virus has killed conservatively, since no testing was done under pigboy, 620,000 people. Are we stupid or what? Yes, Virginia, we are. Stupid species that destroy their own habitat go extinct. Fact.

  2. I too was happy to see the nursing home requirements. Thank you for writing about the other efforts…something that is interestingly missing from the front pages of other sites. Politico deems the most important story of the day that “Harris expands her political network.”


  3. Hi, since we are all pretty darn progressive here I thought it would be okay if I pointed something out that I absolutely sure you didn’t mean to do. I know the Right-wing calls us “libtards” however it comes from a time when some thought it was okay to use a “-tards” word when describing people with Downs syndrome.

    Here is the definition from one online source:
    NOUN (offensive)
    (1) a person who has an intellectual disability (often used as a general term of abuse).

    In other words it’s roots hold a similar aspect of disrespect and nastiness as the “N” word, so it hurts people even IF it wasn’t the intension. So while it feels good (even for ME) to throw words back at the racist, anti-science, anti-democratic (small “d”) right-wingers, you may just want to replace “GOPtard” with something else in the future. Believe me when I tell you that I have mistakenly used similarly hurtful words without meaning to or realizing it but whenever it is pointed out I drop them immediately from my vocabulary.

    I’m still learning at 68, because the moment you refuse to learn new things you become an old fart. (As an age member of the old fart contingent I can tell you from personal experience that there is an actual physical reason why older people get referred to as “old farts” however since I AM in that age group I’m allowed by my fellow old farts to use the term without offending them.

    • When I’m not in the mood to be creative, or have the time to be and want to hurl insults I can always fall back on a blunt term that doesn’t call out any particular intellectual level, race, gender, religious beliefs or anything else. I’m also not squeamish about language.

      What’s my “go to” descriptor? ASSHOLE! Every species in the Animal Kingdom has one (even some species in the Plant Kingdom have one) and given what comes out of assholes I think the term is often quite appropriate. Some people, like assholes on some animals are bigger than others, which is why there’s one particular Republican I’ve sometimes referred to as the human shaped flaming orange rectum. (Oh, and fuckwad works as a pretty good descriptor for the kind of people we are talking about too)

    • Yeah, I hear you Deb, but… hmm.
      You didn’t actually say what word the definition was for, but I assume it’s for the ‘re-‘ version!
      I wasn’t aware that it referred to any particular disability, but i suppose all such words did originally. Trouble is, then, that’s presumably the case for words like ‘idiot’ and ‘moron’ too – the latter is used in a later comment posted here. As is ‘covidiot’ – words merely *derived* from the original surely don’t carry the same degree of stigma as the original?
      The term ‘GOPtard’ does seem a bit crass to me, although ‘Trumptard’ is pleasingly alliterative. 😉 But it’s always been the nature of this site to include gratuitous and crass insults (such as Denis’s go-to example), so I’d have to respectfully say on balance that it shouldn’t actually need to be proscribed on here.

  4. Afghanistan has never been conquered since Alexander the Great. Donnie Donuts negotiated the terms and set the terms and the date. As far as,I can see, he didn’t make any arrangements to get out allies out safely. Ditto women. Fat Donnie likely agrees with the Taliban on women:silent, obedient,,at the back and call.of their Lords and Maasters. The only difference is that he likes to show off his possessions while Taliban forces them to.wear burqas to. ensure their owner has exclusive rights to their beauty.
    FYI,I am a costumer. The Niquab/face veil was imported from.Byzantium where rich men who wanted to.make clear that their wives didn’t need to work.
    I also think that the mess Trump.left behind with Covid took.a lot of his time..

  5. There is plenty of blame to go around concerning Afghanistan, and I’m tired of hearing the continued bashing of Biden, as if he’s the only one responsible. He listened to the military experts, who once again, got it wrong. Could it all have been handled better, more time-sensitively? Absolutely. We should have had everyone out long before this. That said, there was always going to be panic and chaos in the final days and moments. There will be plenty of tragedy to go around for all concerned.

    As far as buckling down on the knuckleheads concerning Covid, I’m tired of playing nice with covidiots. If they want to play Russian Roulette by not getting vaccinated, that would be okay with me except for the fact that their stupidity turns that gun away from their own head and towards mine and everyone else within inhaling range. They do not have the right to expose the rest of us, to potentially murder the rest of us. Anyone who has refused to get vaccinated and then infects someone else who dies is a murderer and should be prosecuted and imprisoned as such. No more letting these morons off because ‘personal choice/freedom/blah blah blah’. How about personal responsibility for yourself and to your fellow citizens? Given how many of these @holes would rather spend a bunch of money to get fake vax cards rather than a free authentic one, maybe we need to do something that they can’t fake, some kind of computerized record. We need to do something to protect ourselves from the morons. Covid will thin the ranks of some of them, at great cost to our health systems and health workers.

      • There’s something else I’ve mentioned elsewhere in recent days. (For the record, Saigon fell just before I graduated high school) Those of us who are old enough remember the term “Vietnamization.” What it meant was us training (and equipping) the South Vietnamese Army to fight for itself so we could draw down the bulk of our forces which we did in the years before that final chaotic withdrawal. The problem that became apparent long before the end was the same problem that had been there all along. While their were brave and tough people in the South Vietnamese Armed forces they had little belief or trust in their own leaders. Hell, in many cases even with us backing them up they wouldn’t fight even at the height of our engagement there. They knew the time would come when we would be gone and risking their lives for what would eventually come wasn’t something all too many of them would do.

        Hence the farce of the “Vietnamization” strategy that the Nixon administration made a big deal about. Like Trump, they hoped that when the inevitable happened another administration would be in place and let’s face it – by the time Trump cut his deal with the Taliban he knew he was unlikely to be re-elected. He also knew that if he somehow was re-elected he’d hold such sway in the GOP that he could bully them into a bullshit line of attacks placing all the blame on Obama or Democrats in Congress.

        We took longer in Afghanistan, but the same problem existed there that had existed in Vietnam. Ingrained, generational corruption which extended to leadership of the Armed Forces. Politically connected Officers that didn’t want to be anywhere near actual fighting, or in some cases even in hostile areas. And as for the backbone of any army, the NCO Corps (Non-Commissioned Officers) it takes more than one or even two generations to build up that kind of tradition. So, while it obviously wasn’t called Vietnamization the “strategy” proclaimed by a series of Presidents was effectively the same thing – train them up to do their own fighting so we could leave. Unless we intended to maintain a small but strong force and some bases in perpetuity a strategy of having the Afghans do most of the fighting knowing they could count on us for help on big missions or if they got into trouble the whole concept was bullshit.

        It’s just that top leadership in our country, be it military, state dept. or even many in the intel community and certainly not most in successive administrations wanted to admit it. Nor did most of those aspiring to top leadership positions.

        Biden tried to convince Obama but wasn’t able to do so. Let’s be clear about that. But O’Donnell is absolutely correct that Vietnam, including the final agonizing withdrawal was worse than Afghanistan.

  6. Well Biden and other democrats are finally showing they have a spine and at least for this, they are done with that turn the other cheek bullshit. I realize that a lot of these people are religious and want to do this religiously but the gop is off the rails and probably use a baseball bat when they slap the other cheek. Get over it and defend your dam self and take the offensive with these clowns.

  7. I agree with Biden about getting out of Afghanistan, 20 yrs. is long enough. We have tried to train them to fight , gave them uniforms , guns, ammo, even paid them a salary . They don’t want to fight , they’re too damn dumb. This has cost “us” Billions & Billions of dollars. We need to bring our men home, and stay out of other country’s business .

  8. Hey ya’ll. Great questions and opinions. As for murf saying GOPtard or liptard, it has and never will be against anyone with a disability. I’m his wife, I know. He’s got an amazing nephew who is autistic. He loves him dearly.
    As for our Afghanistan folks, we both Want them safe.


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