You would think that an ass clown who managed to get Covid, despite being fully vaccinated by appearing at a local super spreader event would have a Come-To-Jesus-Moment abut masking, but apparently Texas Governor Greg Abbott is incorrigible.

From quarantine, Abbott continues in his quest to turn every school in Texas into a Covid Golden Corral buffet. When school boards rebuff Abbott and impose mask mandates for their schools, Abbott is actually going to court to get legal orders for the schools and districts to comply. But this time it looks like he might have been outfoxed. And I can’t stop laughing.

There’s s saying that there’s No fool like an old school fool! But for a Dallas Texas school board, that’s exactly where they went. Old school. One of the things that school districts do as a part o their job is to set dress codes for the students. Things like offensive images or slogans, gang colors, and bedroom slippers are all banned from school wear. But the school can also mandate that students either wear or carry certain items on school grounds.

And that’s where the Dallas school district went, old school. They didn’t bother to try to fight Abbott full on, they went around him, and in the process, flipped two of the most magnificent birds I’ve ever seen take flight. They used their authority to change the dress code policy to require protective masks to be worn when on school property, or school assets, such as school buses!

This is brilliant! And from where I’m sitting it’s a template for other school districts with an eye to actually protecting their students and staff. I can’t wait to see Abbott send government lawyers into court asking a state judge to change a school’s fucking dress code! Man! Talk about looking like a fucking moron!

We Americans are a resourceful lot. Throughout our history we have proven over and over again that if there’s a way to get around something the government wants us to do that we don’t want to do, we’ll find it. And the harder that these flaming duckbill GOPtards fight, the more that people far smarter than them will find the wormhole in the universe. Princess Leia put it perfectly when she told Grand Moff Tarkin, The more you tighten your grip, the more systems will slip through your fingers. This is starting to be fun.

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  1. I agree, it’s a brilliant move. I’m just not sure it was Dallas. The news here says it was Paris, TX. However, Dallas Independent Schools District Super, Michael Hinojosa, stated his policy on the local news. He said that students will be required to wear masks. If they do not have a mask, they will be given one and some time to consider their choices. If they refuse to wear a mask, they will be asked to leave. If they refuse to leave and still won’t wear a mask, they will be accommodated in a separate classroom. I think it is the perfect solution. No one is being refused an education, but they are also not allowed to infect other children.

    • Yes, it’s Paris.
      There’s some question about whether the state, AKA Abbott and Paxton, can override that, but I hope that isn’t possible.

    • Um, what? “If they refuse to wear a mask, they will be asked to leave. If they refuse to leave and still won’t wear a mask . . . .” Say WHAAAAAAT?

      Any student who refuses to leave the school after violating dress code policy does NOT get that option. Their parents will be called to come get the student and said student does not get to come back until they agree to abide by the dress code.

      I’m sorry. I fully believe every student deserves an education but letting mask-refusers to get to stay in school is grossly unfair to every other student who’s been sent home for refusing to change clothes after “violating” the dress code. Whether a girl who’s been told “put on this sweatshirt” to cover the blouse or shirt she’s wearing that’s been deemed “too provocative” or “too distracting (for the boys)” or a guy who’s been told “turn your shirt inside out” for wearing a rainbow flag shirt or a guy who’s wearing pink nail polish or a girl who came to school with a neon blue mohawk, if they’ve been sent home because they refused to abide by the dress code, the non-maskers shouldn’t get special treatment.

  2. In most everything on our planet, there is common base of nerves or other sensors that monitor important functions, like our skin temps or air quality or lack thereof …

    Somehow, the most basic things like common sense, and human dignity, are left off of someone’s design plans and these misfits are determined to prove their lack of any capacity to protect their neighbors, friends and family, because their stupidity has been developed to a fine edge to seriously cut themselves when the pendulum swings back at them …

    These feeble minded individuals need the help of advisors that actually know things and how those things function in reality … Trump’s mob has never been forced to deal with the monsters’ reality of miss-information and outright lies … like a sponge, they absorb Trump’s shit shows as gospel and act to do anything he wants, even if it kills people …

    Scary stuff out there, wherever Trump is, becomes a danger zone …

  3. Either stand with ur children or stand with this evil pimp who doesn’t give a rats ass about ur child. Pick & LIVE WITH UR CHOICE. Just know if u stand with the governor, & ur child dies, YOU KILLED UR OWN CHILD ASSWIPE.

  4. It’s time for the people to start letting these pitiful, disgusting, selfish worthless politicians that they are there for them. Either do the right thing or you will pay the consequences. Even if it means marching in front of their homes. Enough is enough. Time to put the fear in them.


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