Isn’t it fascinating how science denying dummies end up getting the coronavirus? Greg Abbott testified positive today. He was vaccinated against the virus, surprise, surprise, but the Delta variant is running rampant in his state and he loves to go crowded places maskless. So now he’s on Regeneron, an expensive treatment that the fools who voted for him and who listen to him won’t get until they’re at death’s door — if then. Daily Beast:

The Republican governor has long opposed coronavirus mitigation measures like vaccine mandates, mask mandates, or closing indoor dining, but the recent resurgence of the virus has entrenched him in a bitter war with the White House and his own local governments. He has forbidden local authorities across the state such as school boards and city legislatures from instituting coronavirus restrictions to slow the spread of the virus, an order which the Texas Supreme Court upheld Sunday.

News of Abbott’s diagnosis was met with frustration by some who have witnessed firsthand the effects of his policy on mask mandates.

Professor Michael Phillips at Collin College in Plano told The Daily Beast he has been prohibited from recommending masks to students, even after the school’s dean of nursing died from COVID-19 recently.

“This variant is raging in large part because of the governor’s policies,” Phillips said.

Texas accounts for an outsize percentage of the nation’s spiking daily case counts as the virus’ more contagious Delta variant rips through the country. The state recorded 20,000 new cases multiple days last week. Hospitals across the state have filled with COVID-19 patients, most of them unvaccinated, and hospitalizations have surpassed their summer 2020 peak.

“What’s maddening is that he got a vaccination and has access to aggressive treatment that most people won’t have access to until they’re at death’s door and maybe not even then,” Phillips said. “Yet as a governor he’s resisted Medicaid expansion and made Texas a leader in terms of the uninsured.”

Dallas resident L. Arielle Richman said, “I have a child in high school who has been immunized, but I also take care of my elderly parents, one of whom has Alzheimers. I worry about what would happen if my high risk parents would need hospitalization due to covid and I couldn’t be with them. I am totally frustrated with Governor Abbott. I don’t understand why he’s blocking efforts to require masking.”

The Texas legislature has also been hit. More than 50 Democrats from the Texas House and Senate fled the state last month to deny Republicans a quorum to vote on restrictive new voting laws. Six of them later tested positive.

Mark Twain said “it’s easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled.” Texas is running out of ICU beds, they’ve had to ask for over two thousand health care workers from other states to come there to assist them, and now Governor Dum Dum has got it. All of this was avoidable. Every bit of it.

Give Abbott a few days. He’ll have his expensive treatment and be out on the balcony doing an Evita Peron, like Trump.

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    • Perhaps, but keep in mind he’s wheelchair bound. While the extent of his medical issues as a result of his lower body paralysis aren’t widely known and he might not be categorized as medically fragile he’s also not completely healthy either. That in turn means he might not be able to fight off the disease as easily as a fully healthy person who’s been vaccinated. At least in his position he, like a President likely gets a quick perfunctory medical screen from a doctor assigned to the Governor’s Mansion every day so it was likely caught early enough for that particular treatment to have a good chance of working. However, cruel as it sounds I won’t lose any sleep if he winds up in the ICU on a ventilator. Or worse.

      • For what it is Abbott was treated a couple years ago when his nurse accidently put him in scalding water for his bath. Not a good sign of good health.


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