It’s kind of strange. Whenever DHS or the FBI comes out with a warning, a flash, or an alert, somehow or other it’s never a good thing. And yesterday they warned law enforcement of an increased risk of politically motivated violence in the next few months, due to the expiration of several self induced QAnon deadlines for Trump to return to office.

This is blatantly absurd, tragic, and ridiculous. It has been nine months since the election, and the Orange Shitgibbon is still an actual threat to our national security. But this time, please, I beg you, read between the lines a little bit.

When you think of politically motivated violence, we naturally immediately think of acts of violence against political or governmental institutions. The Capitol building, the White House, the FBI building, a state legislature, a Governor’s mansion, or even a police station. But there is another form of political violence that I honestly think is far more likely in the near future.

Did you see the video of the end of the school board meeting in Tennessee last night? The meeting was to decide if masks would be required for students to attend schools. To say that the meeting was spirited and contentious would be an understatement. But what happened after the meeting was an outrage. When I first saw the footage, my first thought was that the only difference between this mob and Charlottesville was that there were no tiki torches.
An empty headed mob of slobbering Trombies surged through the lot, banging on cars, and screaming to the occupants, mainly educators, parents, and healthcare professionals who had advocated for the mask mandate, to Get out of the car! so that they could get their asses kicked. 

Welcome to politically motivated violence my friends. We got lucky last night. Trump’s brain dead fucktards contented themselves with screaming and yelling, and banging on windows and hoods. But why were they there in the first place? Because El Pendejo Presidente, the outlaw motorcycle gang known as the GOP, and the national traitors at FUX News are whipping you a frenzy of anti vaccine, anti masking frenzy. And they’re not about to stop.

Mark my words. Our luck can’t hold. Parents, educators, and medical people in red states are committed to protecting their children, and they’re right. But sooner or later, somebody is going to pick up a rock, bring a bat or a crowbar, smash a window, drag somebody out of a window or door, and we’ll end up with a national tragedy. All because one asshole lost his shit.

So, yes. Local, state and federal authorities are going to have to be on a heightened alert for possible mob violence against established institutions. But local and county officials are also going to have to start providing sufficient police protection to keep municipal and school board hearings on mask mandates safe. Because it only takes one spark to ignite a national tragedy, but sooner or later, somebody is going to lose their shit. And it will be an act of domestic political violence. Just what Trump and the GOP want.

Follow me on Twitter at @RealMurfster35

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  1. Wait, wait, WAIT. Stop the presses…rewind time….we missed a golden opportunity for a Lindell conspiracy.

    Trump got 74,216,154 votes.


    7-4-21 6:15:4


    Or at least that would have been the scam if they had any competency at all, because everyone should have known to look for random number patterns in the elections data, and missing Independence Day in the vote count is some next level laziness. Sheesh…they can’t even do crazy right. Losers.

  2. It fills me with horror and fear to see these tragedies occurring in beautiful America. As so many trends, it sweeps across the globe. Stupid people everywhere follow the US example and try to partly or totally copy it in their respective countries.
    Yes, I’m scared for our collective future.

  3. I didn’t see it. And I am neither shicked not surprised. I am, however, concerned. If people are getting beaten up in grocery stores for wearing masks,no other background, why would we be surprised that ppeople wh =o care enough to attent a school board meeting (or, for heaven’s sake, serve on the board) are being exposed to getting beaten up? Every sane person is at risk. Every sane person carries a target now on his or her back. Get used to it…. and I don’t mean by that to accept it, but to assume it exists, get prepared for it and have some means of self defense.


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