This Durham extravaganza from last week is taking on a life of its own. Briefly, on Friday night RedState picked up on a court filing which it characterized as "shock and awe" and which was anything but, by John...
Don't like life much? Is reality getting you down? Do facts either bore or depress you? Not a problem. MAGAs have found the solution to all of life's travails and that is to do the same as their hero,...
It must be nice to live in a world of one's dreams and never have to bother with reality. It's Monday, February 14 and many remarkable things are taking place in the world. Aggression in Ukraine, the Olympics, the...
Mike Flynn's appearance in Texas last week was a complete flop and he blamed it all on Ticketmaster. Somebody should explain to Flynn that Ticketmaster just sells the tickets, it doesn't guarantee that anybody will show up to buy...
What you're about to look at is a complete joke. You or I or anyone with basic video skills can photograph people putting ballots into mail boxes and then intone sinisterly, "We tracked over 2,000 mules." That's swell. Did...
Satire is such a useful tool of social and political commentary. By taking the absurdity of a thing and then extending it outward, the subject of the parody is in fact shown in it's true light. And it's shown...
I love the smell of conspiracy theory in the morning, it smells like delusion. One of the major conspiracy theories that is getting short shrift news wise is the Dominion theory, not to be confused with the religious Dominionists...
It was the worst of times, it was the worst of times. It was a time when the GOP put a laughable talk show host buffoon on their ticket and then tragically he won. It was a time when...
Stew Peters, or Stew Pidd, as he is known to many, is a very serious guy. He's focusing all his angst this Christmas season on COVID restrictions. Apparently, a world where one can run maskless and free, utterly obvious...
You knew it had to happen. It was only a question of who and when, never if. A new strain of coronavirus has mutated, no surprise there. It's name is Omicron and of course it's being touted as not...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead