Mike Flynn’s appearance in Texas last week was a complete flop and he blamed it all on Ticketmaster. Somebody should explain to Flynn that Ticketmaster just sells the tickets, it doesn’t guarantee that anybody will show up to buy them. That said, Flynn has to get his message out into the world somehow, so he went to the airwaves. Which airwaves? Ahhh, we’re so glad you asked. Brighteon TV is Flynn’s outlet of choice. Listen to his latest blather and then we’ll look into the medium over which it was transmitted. Marshall McLuhan was spot on, the medium is the message.

Isn’t that great? Mike Flynn was one of us until quite recently and now he’s out there in the world sharing the secret that the rest of us are so desperately trying to hide, that the Democrats are all commies, now, and staunch American that he is, General Flynn is blowing the whistle on us.

What’s that you say? Wasn’t Flynn hanging out with Vladimir Putin and endorsing Donald Trump back in 2015? I think it’s time Flynn shows us the date on his change of party affiliation form.

If you need to have the GOP “platform” outlined for you, here it is:

  1. The Democrats are commies;
  2. The Commies are atheists;
  3. The Commie/Dems want to take away your guns, so you better stock up on bullets, Bibles and beans while there’s still time;
  4. Send your money to the GOP and they’ll tell you when it’s time to run and hide in the hills.

An enlightened message for an enlightened electorate in an enlightened age.

Now, as promised, let’s took a look at the conduit through which this commentary is coming. This is how Media Bias ranks Brighteon TV.

In general, all [owner] Mike Adam’s stories favor the right and promote pseudosciences such as chemtrails and the Sandy Hook shooting being a false flag: Sandy Hook was theater! Actor who played law enforcement sniper was recorded walking around carrying rifle by the magazine. Further, they publish anti-vaccination propaganda and conspiracy theories. This source denies the consensus on climate change without evidence, as seen here: Climate change cultists are now taking over your local weather forecast.
Users upload videos on the website. There appears to be minimal vetting as virtually every video is related to a right-wing conspiracy or quackery levels pseudoscience such as THIS IS WHAT THE PFIZER COVID19 VACCINE CAN DO …

Failed Fact Checks

We rate Brighteon a right-biased Tin-Foil Hat Conspiracy website that also publishes pseudoscience. This source is associated with Natural News, one of the most discredited sources on the internet. (D. Van Zandt 03/31/2021) Updated (10/25/2021)

Now the sad part is that this is a high traffic site. It’s a commentary on our culture that the fringe lunatic sites in this country started multiplying like rabbits when Donald Trump took over the GOP.

Nature abhors a vacuum. The Republican party has been a hollow shell of a once viable party for some time now and into that vacuum conspiracy theory has rushed and flourished. These tin foil hat websites are toxic to the body politic, but there’s no sign of their influence diminishing anytime soon. And Flynn isn’t going anywhere either, but I do hope he’ll keep broadcasting from this room that gives him the appearance of devil’s horns due to an ornament on the bookcase.

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  1. News flash Little Shit flynn: you’ve allied yourself with the russkies who are the real commies and have been for better than a century.

    When is this little shit going to be put away?

  2. Wow, when will trump, flynn,guilianni, and minions who are ruining the country get theirs? Merrick garland is a huge disappointment.. when these people take , hold, I will blame doj and garland. This has gone far enuff!

  3. He’s a disgrace to his uniform. He pisses on every grave of every soldier who ever fought to start the union & to save it. I hope I live long enough for someone to piss on his.


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