Ya’ll probably remember reading about the Florida Circuit Judge who denied a 17 year old girl her right to obtain an abortion ruling that “she failed to demonstrate the maturity and intelligence to make that decision.” Well, thankfully he was...
Yes, I know, it's the national pitched battle for control of the House and Senate that is widely seen as the battle for the soul of democracy. But don't forget, it's kind of hard to have a functional national democracy if...
"Wipe out, hahahahahahahahaha." -- the Safaris That shrill, high pitched whine you hear is the subtle scream of cases of ketchup bottles as they sense their collective fate. When Donald Trump gets wind of this statistic, look out. He's going...
Oh, man. There is naive, there is tone deaf, there is oblivious, and then there is Nikki Haley. She takes the cake. Haley appeared on Maria Bartiromo's show and they talked about abortion. And here are Haley's glad tidings....
Alabama Senator Tommy Tuberville wouldn't be a Senator had he not spent nine years (pretty successful ones) as head coach of the Auburn Tigers.   The only better "qualification" he could  have had would have been a successful stint as...
This must be seen to be believed and even then it's hard. Lindsey Graham went on Fox News Sunday morning to put Democrats in their place. He's very troubled about the fact that demonstrators have appeared at what he...
The fanatical forced birthers have trotted out a new tactic in their war to control women's lives and bodies. Suing to overturn a ballot initiative to amend a state constitution to enshrine abortion and other reproductive rights. My jaw...
Normally, I wouldn't write this article. The abortion issue is too passionate, and the political landscape too polarized on the issue of abortion for anything that anybody says to make a difference in public opinion. But they're wrong. They're wrong...
This is what happens when you let the imbeciles go to the mall for a field trip. With asylum credit cards. The next thing you know, your Amex bill rivals the GDP of Saudi Arabia. This Mel Brooks version of A Nightmare...
Man, I hate it when fresh news overwhelms current reporting. I just wrote a new article about how the GOP is lost because abortion has been their only cause celebre for 50 years. And now new news is not...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead