13 months out, and already the winds are auguring ill for the GOP. The GOP House caucus just imploded today, throwing the GOP into chaos only 34 days before the Virginia off year elections, and making the Democrats in...
There's an old saying, history is made at night and it was made last night. Rulings from the Supreme Court have been leaked before, but never an opinion. Chief Justice John Roberts is said to be incensed and looking...
One of the big problems for Democrats and independents on the abortion issue is that, based on Roe v Wade, they always looked at abortion as a national issue. The case was decided in the Supreme Court, so any challenges to it would...
A lot of voters turned out in the August heat for this election, an "uncharacteristically high number," in fact, according to the New York Times. Once again, the Republican party is getting the message loud and clear that people...
One would think that spending a Tuesday evening watching Republican candidates from North Carolina to New Jersey and Pennsylvania, from Mississippi, Kentucky and Ohio get their asses handed to them by the voters, mostly because they let an extreme...
This didn't take long. if you think you're not going to see more heartbreaking headlines like this one, you are dreaming. This is the shape of things to come in this country and it is tragic. The Hill: A 10-year-old girl...
The idiots can't claim that they weren't warned. Going into the monstrous SCOTUS decision to overturn Roe v Wade, every single major national poll tried to tell the GOP that it was pissing up a rope. Every political demographic voted with their feet...
Donald Trump paid his electric bill, apparently. At least now we get to see what his proclamations are like when they're not done in the dark. But physical light has not leant clarity to his political positions. No, they've...
Mark my words, this is not going to end well for the GOP. In a brilliant A-Block segment last night, Rachel Maddow on MSNBC laid out that while conservative media has always been powerful in this country, it has a problem....
(Top Cartoon by Steve Benson - AZ Republic) Alexandra Petri is a very talented columnist for The Washington Post, best known for her humor pieces at the paper, called Petri Dishes. Having recently given birth to a new baby girl herself,...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead