The idiots can’t claim that they weren’t warned. Going into the monstrous SCOTUS decision to overturn Roe v Wade, every single major national poll tried to tell the GOP that it was pissing up a rope. Every political demographic voted with their feet to outlawing abortion, even Republicans. But the GOP persisted, and then went on a feeding frenzy to restrict abortion more.

And now the chickens are coming home to roost. Have you ever seen a chicken coop? It’s covered in chicken shit, which the GOP is today. Because new polling is showing that, far from fading with time, the pro choice movement is only growing. And in ways that spell disaster for the GOP in November.

MSNBC showed a national poll today about abortion that broke it down basically into women’s demographics. And it was a Nightmare on Elm Street for the GOP. It showed the shift from GOP votes to Democratic votes among the demographic groups polled. The GOP lost every one, decisively.

The poll showed that African American women had shifted to the Democrats +10. This is crippling, since African American women were such a small portion of the GOP vote, and they have influence in their families. White non college educated women flipped to the Democrats +7. White college educated women flipped to the Democrats +7. The critical Hispanic women vote flipped to the Democrats +8. Even white men flipped to the Democrats +6.

That isn’t a trend, it’s an avalanche. And it gets even worse for the GOP. Because national polling is showing that since overturning Roe, the importance of abortion rights is climbing as a voting issue. Before the SCOTUS outrage, abortion rights wasn’t even a top 5 voting issue nationally. Now? It’s a top 3 issue, behind inflation, especially with gas prices continuing to fall. And most critically, among Hispanics, the fastest growing voting group, for the first time in a generation abortion rights is a top 2 issue.

The GOP played fast and loose, and it may be about to cost them, big time. Because now that some time has passed, more and more horror stories are starting to come forward in the media about vulnerable women, underaged girls, rape and incest victims, women with non viable pregnancies are starting to come forward. And every horror story is another dagger through the GOP’s heart.

Face it. When every. single. Woman’s. demographic. turns against you, you’re in the hurt locker. And when they drag their husbands, sons, and fathers with them, your toast is extra crispy. The GOP spent 50 years to make this happen, and now they have to live by the old pottery store rule, If you break it, you’ve bought it. Don’t touch that dial.


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    • Well, they caught their proverbial car and clamped down hard with their jaws. So much so they can’t let go. However while the “car” is wounded it keeps moving and is picking up enough speed they can’t keep up by running. Getting dragged by a car doesn’t work out well for the person/thing being dragged!

    • Schiller also hade a great quote (not as well known as Oscar Wills O’Flaherty’s one but none the less)
      “Mit der Dummheit kämpfen Götter selbst vergebens.” (Against stupidity the Gods themselves fight in vain)

  1. Let’s hope the asinine decision by the six political hacks works out for the dems. There will be problems in the mid-terms. I suspect the magats might come out in force because former guy’s crimes are catching up to him and they are idiots who love to put their full support behind a loser. I would like to think trump’s woes would trickle down to the pols he endorsed but I’ve learned to stop thinking criminal behavior would be a bar to high office-hell, we’ve two S.C. justices (thomas and beer bong) who are sexual predators. I’m waiting for the badge of honor for the ‘pube party being an arrest warrant.

    • There have never been enough of the MAGA maggots to matter outside of red state strongholds. And our base is the most fired up it’s been since before the Trump era. If the former want to get violent for not getting the results they want, even with cheating (see abortion vote in Kansas), well, that just speeds up their marginalization. Trump being on the ballot only worked out ONCE on the national stage.

  2. And let’s just add a little more fun to the fire: It was announced a few days ago (kind of surprised it hadn’t been brought up here) but a few bigwig Kansas GOPers (one is considered an extremist even by GOP/MAGA standards) are trying to raise funds* to demand a full recount of the abortion vote in the hopes of overturning it. Once again, we’re seeing extremists deciding they don’t want to live with election results that don’t go their way. (Incidentally, it would’ve been absolutely delicious if Liz Cheney had NOT conceded the primary and demanded a full recount of every GOP primary vote.)

    *One of the morons is (supposedly) a millionaire and has the necessary funding to finance the recount but–for some reason (grifting? creating an email list to sell to others?)–has gone the Kickstarter route (I don’t think it’s actually on Kickstarter but some similar fundraising service).

    • Folks are already getting sick of that in the mainstream. Recall what happened in the 1970s after enough inner city riots made everyone turn their back on liberal causes. This BS will help do the same, as will any violence by this crowd against law enforcement.

  3. I can’t wait til they lie & blame the democrats, President Biden, Kamala, Nancy Pelosi, Hunter Biden’s laptop, & finally Obama. The good news is they will finally reveal Obama’s birth certificate showing he’s a Muslim terrorist.

    • Yeah, that Hawaiian Birth certificate and the Honolulu newspaper birth announcement sort of make that Obama Muslim BS moot. What’s interesting about these conspiracy theories are the people that subscribe to them all being people with insecurity issues regarding their intelligence. Latching onto a CT makes them feel ‘smart’ and ‘special’ because they have secret info or have special access to special info or they are the only ones ‘smart enough’ to buy into what is clearly a truck load of BS.


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