One would think that spending a Tuesday evening watching Republican candidates from North Carolina to New Jersey and Pennsylvania, from Mississippi, Kentucky and Ohio get their asses handed to them by the voters, mostly because they let an extreme minority – even with in their own party – dictate that the Republican platform demand the most extreme strictures be placed on reproductive healthcare… that rational people would reconsider their position.

And many probably would if it were not for the fact that the noisy minority Republicans must contend with have a strangle hold on the primary processes in many states, making it impossible for candidates who cross them to advance to a general election.

But someone whom we can be certain will never entertain the thought that she might possibly be wrong about something is the brick-headed Representative of Georgia’s 14th Congressional District, Marjorie Taylor Greene, who witnessed the carnage last night and concluded that Republicans would fare better in elections if they adopted… a tougher stance on the issue.

Meidas Touch News

“Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene took to X to offer her election post-mortem following the electoral mauling Republicans took nationwide on Tuesday, by suggesting that contrary to polling, public sentiment, and objective reality, Republicans actually lost because they WEREN’T EXTREME ENOUGH in their anti-choice stance.

Greene’s lengthy post, using often graphic and horrifying language, was a bizarre attempt at a pep talk to her fellow MAGA acolytes, pushing them to double and triple down on a message that cost them elections in Ohio and Virginia and countless other races: abortion is murder, not healthcare…

… Attacking women for their private healthcare decisions has been so effective for Republicans, they haven’t won a single election on the issue in two years since the overturning of Roe v. Wade.

So if Republicans want to listen to Greene and double down on anti-abortion extremism they are more than welcome to do so. Let’s see if that strategy works out for them in 2024.”

Here is MTG’s tweet:

The second tweet in her thread is quite long and you can read it all if you click at the bottom.

I will not reproduce her drivel here but basically she insists on conflating fetuses with successful pregnancies and suggesting that because “God doesn’t make mistakes” that women who have abortions should be called murderers.

The woman is so deranged and/or uninformed in insisting that God, or nature, or whatever, makes no mistakes in pregnancies when the opposite is so demonstrably and tragically true that there is indeed no hope that she will ever change her… whatever it is that passes for a mind.

Which is fine with me… let her keep on digging that hole to nowhere.

Some responses to her on Twitter:

🤣🤣🤣 Or woman…



So yeah Marge, keep on exercising that free speech.

We are not sick of winning yet.

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  1. Politically and in various other ways regarding her honesty and integrity, MGT is nothing but an irritated aborted slough-off; is currently an irritating abortion sloughing about in the muck of her own doing; and continues to irritatingly abort in her delusional political culture war. Her ‘space lasers’ are probably involved in sustaining the delivery of her ugly and divisive abortive contrivances, too. The noisy article just needs to shut her hole and go away, permanently – which is probably not too far away in reality, just over the horizon.

  2. “So if Republicans want to listen to Greene and double down on anti-abortion extremism they are more than welcome to do so. Let’s see if that strategy works out for them in 2024.”

    It can’t be put better than that.

    And also,

    “”Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.” – Napoleon Bonaparte.


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