For the record, I'm a late baby boomer kid, slip sliding my way towards my invitation for the great dirt surfing competition. Which means that I grew up in the tumultuous times of the late 60's-70's. Which means that Buffalo Springfield's For...
This would be pathetic if it weren't so damn funny. The Supreme Court, in all its pompous far right glory may be setting itself up for a pratfall of epic proportions. And the seditious six on the bench are just dumb...
Look, do yourself a favor. Forget about Biden's none of them piss poor popularity poll numbers right now. People vote for a whole dogs' breakfast of reasons. Political ideology, personal reasons, pocketbook issues, but nobody votes based on current...
A lot of voters turned out in the August heat for this election, an "uncharacteristically high number," in fact, according to the New York Times. Once again, the Republican party is getting the message loud and clear that people...
You know, I have this kind of a loose rule that I try to live by. I tend to try to avoid talking about shit that I know absolutely nothing about. Hell, I'm perfectly capable of making an ass...
13 months out, and already the winds are auguring ill for the GOP. The GOP House caucus just imploded today, throwing the GOP into chaos only 34 days before the Virginia off year elections, and making the Democrats in...
Politics, and especially elections are kind of like tossing a pebble into a calm pond. Once it lands, you get a series of concentric circles, with no way of knowing what the ultimate effect can be. And that's the...
This just hit me like a brick as I was getting ready to shut the laptop for the night, so here I am for another hour yet. Fortunately Teri is home to keep my article from looking like The...
Is there no end to GOP hypocrisy and lying? Okay, stupid question. There is no bottom to that abyss. For the moment we have a whole lot of GOPers trying to escaped the corner they've painted themselves into when...
Normally, I wouldn't write this article. The abortion issue is too passionate, and the political landscape too polarized on the issue of abortion for anything that anybody says to make a difference in public opinion. But they're wrong. They're wrong...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead