Rabid Trumpite and Queen of the Arizona Audit Wendy Rogers is terrified of gay people. I have known such creatures in my life. They have told me that, and I quote, “homosexuality is bad for society.” I have then asked, “What shall we do with gay people then?” The answer is always dead silence, because it doesn’t sound cool to say, “Make them stay in the closet” or “Kill them.” Rogers is pretty obviously one of the crowd that would just prefer that the gays would vanish into thin air one night.

Here’s what set her off. DC Comics has announced that its Superman character, Jon, son of Superman Clark Kent and Lois Lane, is bi-sexual. That’s too much for Rogers. It ruined her day.

How does Wendy Rogers know what a cartoon character’s sexual identity is? Moreover, who cares? It’s so evident that she can’t stand homosexuality or admit that it might be “normal” and therefore just live and let live. No, she wants to go on record as disapproving and in the most hateful way. Comically, however, the typo hung her.

Wendy Rogers is not what you would call hip or with it. She has proven that before and she certainly proves it here.

And this comes at a time where there’s already been a flashpoint in right-wing relations with the LGBT community. The Lt. Governor of North Carolina says they’re all “filth.”

The right-wing is flat out terrified of gays. They just don’t want them to be there. I’ve spoken to these people. They’re afraid that “our children are going to be forced to become gay.” Or, “the family is over.” There’s nothing of acceptance or live and let live. They view gay people as misbehaving children, seriously. They should just stop “acting that way” and get married and have kids.

This is going to get worse before it gets better.

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  1. Just to correct Wendy, but Louis Lane was in love with Superwoman. And that’s some REAAAAAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLY old DC in play. Back in 1980, in Superman #349, Superman’s finished performing some adventure and, upon his return to Metropolis, he proceeds to resume his job at the Daily Planet as Clark Kent, only to encounter a different Planet Staff, including star reporter, Louis Lane. After some investigation, he realizes something’s happened as he’s being pursued by a Superwoman (dressed in a regular Superman outfit*), a Superboy (wearing a male version of the “hot-pants” style outfit Supergirl was sporting at the time) and a Wonder Warrior (wearing a standard Wonder Woman outfit but with white leggings and long-sleeved undershirt–I guess the artists, and possibly editors, weren’t quite ready for a male character dressed in the WW “bathing suit” outfit). Superman realizes the whole thing is a trick by Mr Mxyzptlk (and a thought balloon notes that Mxy wasn’t aware that Superman and Clark Kent were the same person as Superwoman and “Clara” Kent were two different people) and forces Mxy to undo his magic. (As far as I recall, it wasn’t ever stated explicitly in the story that Superwoman and Louis Lane had the same relationship that Superman had with Lois Lane, but it seems reasonable.)

    At the end of the story, Clark Kent returns to *his* Daily Planet and encounters a real Louis Lane and has a bit of a freak out. Lois walks into the scene and wonders where Clark was running off to since she wanted to introduce him to her cousin, Louis.

    *Most of DC’s other earlier (and later) “Superwoman” characters wore relatively distinctive outfits while this story’s version wore a regular Superman outfit, just more fitted to the female form.

  2. Yes, we need more christian family values, like the Duggar clan.
    Wait, sexually molesting your sister is okay if you’re a guy, right?

  3. I think the entire right (i.e., wrong) wing should just move to Chechnya. After all, as Russia told the UN, there are no gays there. Or maybe they’d be more comfortable with Vlad in Mother Russia itself where same sex marriage is illegal. Seriously, what is wrong with these people? Is hate a family value?

  4. So much for the second of the two GREATEST commandments per JESUS, i.e., “love your neighbor as yourself”. Christian? Maybe, since that was a creation of Roman authority. ‘Believer’, was what the early disciples called themselves. No. The new testament clearly states, over & over & over, that true disciples follow Jesus’ commandments. Those who claim to be followers & DONT do as Jesus did, ARE LIARS. PERIOD. All the cultural taboos came from Paul, a converted murderer & a former Pharasee. Jesus didn’t say anything about sensuality, & in fact, violated the strict cultural laws of the time over & over. The most famous was when the religious leaders tried to trap him by bringing a woman caught in adultery, which Jewish law demanded she be stoned to death. It produced one of his best known sayings, ” let those without sin cast the first stone”. The jews still had self knowledge, & ALL walked away. This republican party would have stoned her & Jesus too. Evil liars walking in darkness, doing their fathers’,(the devil), work. Tic fucking tok. Eternity awaits assholes.

      • What stuff? Name something that is incorrect. U must be a republican, a self appointed thought monitor on a public forum. So pointing out the religious hypocrisy of the Republicans upsets you??? Hmmm

      • Thanks. I studied all religions at UNC, but my best professor taught old & new testament from a position of scholarship. He was a language scholar, an archeologist, & a believer, being a Chaplin in WW2. He had the entire Bible memorized to show a sacred oral tradition can be accurate. We would call out numbers of verses & he would quote them. He challenged all the simple minded things taught in churches, synagogues, religious schools etc. He also challenged people who thought they knew enough to write off religious traditions.. I find it really curious how SHALLOW so many people’s knowledge of the Bible actually is. Generally, I find folks who think the book fell out of God’s arse, & don’t really question or THINK. The irony is I find just as much blind self righteousness from people who’ve written it off due to some perception based on their experience from the first group. Just as ignorant when this collection of writings has SHAPED WESTERN CIVILIZATION & is now being used in our present dilemma. I took classes in 22 departments, including chemistry, calculus, botany, & ecology. People assume science has disproven religion. WRONG. It has only shown how vast, mysterious, & unknown our world actually is. I could go on with specifics in any field of human endeavor. By the way, next time someone says they have no faith, I point out how we sit in tons of machinery moving at high speeds in opposite directions, separated ONLY by lines of paint. Although we know tens of thousands of people are killed each year in these machines, including people crossing that painted line causing head on fatal collisions, these folks continue to have faith it won’t happen to them. Same when u board a plane.

    • It’s also not clear what Paul was talking about the two or three times he mentions homosexuality, a word used in modern translations for original words that don’t have English equivalents. He could have been referring to the use of temple sex rites, or sexual abuse of young boys by old men in a sort of equivalence to the catholic priest scandals of modern day, or something else.

      It’s also hard to listen to to right wingers condemn LGBTs based on what Paul wrote when homosexual appears in a list of 20 vices, and they worship Trump, who happily embraces like 18 of the other things on the list – adultery, selfish ambition, greed, slander, sowing of discord, hatred, jealousy, fits of rage, sexual immorality, empty words, lies…it’s like a lost that basically defines Donald Trump.

      • Yeah, they focus on things that are not & IGNORE the two greatest commandments & the numerous times Jesus pointed out their collective hypocrisy. The Jews wanted from the start,(read Luke when he visits his hometown), until the end to kill him for telling & showing them the truth. He pointed out that the devil was a “murderer & a liar from the beginning”, & those that stood with lies are “children of the devil”. Clear enough?

  5. I had a very close friend that was gay. He didn’t glow in the dark or talk in tongues. He was a normal, everyday guy that just had different tastes than I did. Unfortunately he passed away and I do miss him. I didn’t care that he had different things on his plate. One day I had to help him move because his roommate who he wasn’t interested in was being an ass. It was just a bad situation. Loose lips would have probably enjoyed it.


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